Read what Charles Spurgeon said about Roman Catholicism
Although I'm sure I have some disagreements with Mr. Jack Chick, as he is a Protestant and Protestants are still part of the Babylonian Mystery religion, a la carte Catholics to me, at least we are in agreement about the documented atrocities and outrageous errors and whitewashed paganism the Roman Catholic Cult have used to misled the masses. We both do what we can to help expose such Roman wolves in sheep's clothing that folks can be set free by the truth.
History of the Papacy
Hislop's Two Babylons - zipped
The true Church of God continues to keep the same biblical Sabbath, biblical festivals and biblical dietary laws that Yeshua, the apostles and the early Church of God (both converted Jews, Israelites and Gentiles) faithfully observed against growing demonic opposition (now known as the RCC - the Babylonian Mystery religion grown great).
The true Church of God, representatives and keepers of the faith once delivered, not having been corrupted by the pagan Roman traditions of men, trust Yeshua will return soon and teach and enforce our God-given pioneer ways over the entire world, based upon THE BIBLE - not baptized paganism pretending to be Christian!
Born Again and Heaven and Hell
The Plain Truth about Herbert W. Armstrong & the Worldwide Church of God