The Journal: News of the Churches of God
Web site updates - July 2007
Lead Articles
United Church of God, IA elders vote by slim margin to move headquarters to Texas
Herbert Armstrong's face pops up on popular Drudge Web site
Former Ambassador College student commits suicide in bank
================================================='s Popularity EXPLODES! attracted 84,308 actual visitors in June!
Not only is June the site's BUSIEST month ever, it also is noteworthy in
that the site served MORE visitors in the month than it did for the
ENTIRETY of 2003!
June's spectacular performance, given the summer months are the slowest
in regard to traffic, puts on track to reach 600,000+ visitors
for the year!
The Journal lists 2007 Feast of Tabernacle sites
Letters from our Readers
Ron Dart replies to editorial on his comments regarding Brookfield shooting.
Commentaries and Columns
Root of bitterness clouds good judgment by Dave Havir
See our newly updated and EXPANDED helpful link section at: