Condi Rice treads on dangerous ground
Clearly, Condi Rice is just another affirmative action hire, since she's proven how unworthy she is of the American office of the Secretary of State she occupies. Israel ought to refuse to let Condi land and redirect her to the Congo where she belongs. After all, who does she think she is to play God and promise "Palestine" to the sworn enemies of the United States and Israel? Who does she think she is when she blathers the biblical territories of Judea and Samaria are "occupied"? The "West Bank" does suffer from an Arab occupation that must end! Yet CFR Condi aids and abets terrorism by pimping the expulsion of Jews and shows no remorse for already rewarding terrorism by pressuring Israel and bribing Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert to enforce Judenrein policies.
"Let the nations know they are but men," is necessary since so many arrogant officials act like they've forgotten it. Condi Rice treads on dangerous ground opposing the Word and Will of God. Let her read and believe the Bible and be warned that Bush can't save her from the wrath to come.
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