Sunday, May 04, 2008
"The Real Cause of the Race Crisis" by HWA
“The Real Cause of the Race Crisis” by HWA
October 1963, Plain Truth (page 27)
"In the days of Noah, likewise, THERE WAS ONLY ONE MAN WHO WAS NOT GUILTY OF THIS PERVERSION OF INTERMARRIAGE! God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!
"Noah was the ONLY man on earth who was not guilty of this SIN of intermarriage! Otherwise God would have shown respect of persons. ALL other living humans were destroyed - PUNISHED for this sin of interracial marriage.
"Notice it, now again! "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Eternal" (Gen 6:8). WHY? Notice the next verse: "Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations" (Verse 9).
"The original word Moses used for "perfect", in the Hebrew language, was "tamiym" (pronounced taw-meem). You will find, in the lexicon, it means "without blemish, complete, full, perfect". The Companion Bible, commenting on this verse, says: "Perfect - Hebrew, tamiym: without blemish as to breed or pedigree. All flesh corrupted but Noah."
"Further, this same work comments: "This shows that Genesis 6:9 does not speak of Noah's moral perfection, but tells us that he and his family alone had preserved their pedigree and kept it pure, in spite of the prevailing corruption."
"Now, consider what this means.
"Noah's wife, also, was of PURE racial stock - pure white, in the likeness of Adam. Otherwise, Noah would have been guilty of racial intermarriage. So all three sons, born from Noah and his wife, were WHITE - the original stock kept pure."
"The subject matter of the chapter is the generations ancestry of Noah. Exceeding wickedness had developed through those generations reaching a climactic crisis that ended that world. What was this universal evil and corruption? Jesus described that universal, corrupt evil as "eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage". Eating food and drinking is not evil. Marrying is not evil in itself. There had to be a wrong use and excess in
eating, drinking and marrying - the evil was in the manner, and in the extent of eating, drinking and marrying."
Marrying, to be evil, had to be as in Genesis 6:2 when men "took them wives of all which they chose". There was rampant and universal interracial marriage - so exceedingly universal that Noah, only, was unblemished or perfect in his generations."
"God originally set the bounds of national borders intending nations to be separated to prevent interracial marriage when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of people"
"Mankind should have learned its lesson by the flood, but man cut off from God, and swayed by Satan had not."
October 1963, Plain Truth (page 27)
"In the days of Noah, likewise, THERE WAS ONLY ONE MAN WHO WAS NOT GUILTY OF THIS PERVERSION OF INTERMARRIAGE! God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!
"Noah was the ONLY man on earth who was not guilty of this SIN of intermarriage! Otherwise God would have shown respect of persons. ALL other living humans were destroyed - PUNISHED for this sin of interracial marriage.
"Notice it, now again! "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Eternal" (Gen 6:8). WHY? Notice the next verse: "Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations" (Verse 9).
"The original word Moses used for "perfect", in the Hebrew language, was "tamiym" (pronounced taw-meem). You will find, in the lexicon, it means "without blemish, complete, full, perfect". The Companion Bible, commenting on this verse, says: "Perfect - Hebrew, tamiym: without blemish as to breed or pedigree. All flesh corrupted but Noah."
"Further, this same work comments: "This shows that Genesis 6:9 does not speak of Noah's moral perfection, but tells us that he and his family alone had preserved their pedigree and kept it pure, in spite of the prevailing corruption."
"Now, consider what this means.
"Noah's wife, also, was of PURE racial stock - pure white, in the likeness of Adam. Otherwise, Noah would have been guilty of racial intermarriage. So all three sons, born from Noah and his wife, were WHITE - the original stock kept pure."
"The subject matter of the chapter is the generations ancestry of Noah. Exceeding wickedness had developed through those generations reaching a climactic crisis that ended that world. What was this universal evil and corruption? Jesus described that universal, corrupt evil as "eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage". Eating food and drinking is not evil. Marrying is not evil in itself. There had to be a wrong use and excess in
eating, drinking and marrying - the evil was in the manner, and in the extent of eating, drinking and marrying."
Marrying, to be evil, had to be as in Genesis 6:2 when men "took them wives of all which they chose". There was rampant and universal interracial marriage - so exceedingly universal that Noah, only, was unblemished or perfect in his generations."
"God originally set the bounds of national borders intending nations to be separated to prevent interracial marriage when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of people"
"Mankind should have learned its lesson by the flood, but man cut off from God, and swayed by Satan had not."
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