In Rebuking Minister, McCain May Have Alienated Evangelicals The Rev. Rod Parsley paces the stage, wiping his forehead and shouting to his congregation in a taped sermon that marriage is under attack by "tortured and angry homosexuals." - By Kimberly Kindy
Senator McCain shows how shallow his religious beliefs are and how weak he is in standing up to criticism about religious leaders who endorsed him without agreeing with every single thing he represents. They should support Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin.
As far as Rod Parsley's salvo about marriage being under attack by "tortured and angry homosexuals," that's true to an extent. However, the greatest danger, what weakens the institution of marriage the most, are faithless and fickle heterosexuals who fail to keep their vows or remember why they took them in the first place.
If I Were the President by Chuck BaldwinMcCain MadnessGod and the