Luke 21
28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.
God knows the end from the beginning, and it's all playing out just like we were forewarned. The seventh day Sabbath reminds us weekly that God has given mankind six days to do his own thing, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord. The GOOD NEWS is that the seventh thousand year is soon to dawn and usher in the Wonderful World Tomorrow that Herbert W. Armstrong faithfully announced, as a minister of Jesus Christ. All these prophetic events are signs we're getting closer by the day, another day closer to the Kingdom of God! So hang in there, don't give up! We're almost there.
Come Lord Yeshua!
Born Again: The Kingdom of God!
Sneak Preview of the Kingdom of God
Kingdom of God-Beings to Rule Earth from Jerusalem!