Race Matters - you can't get all those UNEARNED extra points on your test for various employment if you're White.
"Affirmative action" is negative against non-Blacks, and it actually hurts them too, as brave Black conservatives acknowledge, as it casts suspicion on their qualifications and diploma (giving them the benefit of the doubt that they have one and didn't drop out of school, as government statistics indicate too many have).
College too but back to the point, a church should not.
At least according to your views, eh? Do you think a congregation should also ordain women to preach? And for the record, the Sabbath-keeping Church of God has men of every color and former creed serve in various Church positions, and women too - where God's Word allows.
Heaven is not segregated. That should be a nice outline for the Rev Wright to preach on
Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!
Why does everybody keep calling the pastor "Rev"? Are folks so biblically ignorant they don't know the Bible says only God's Name is reverend? Besides, what humble man would want to be called "reverend"? And why don't you believe Yeshua who said "the meek shall inherit the Earth"?
It's true that the Kingdom-Family of God-Beings will be composed of folks from every color and creed, but when we're born again, transformed from flesh and blood to holy spirit, from human to divine, we'll be brighter than any color, and more brilliant than folks can imagine.
Born Again and Heaven and Hell