David Ben-Ariel
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
The Western Wall is not Judaism's holiest site!
To the Editor of The Blade:
Steven Gutkin is AP's bureau chief in Jerusalem, and Karin Laub, is the AP's chief correspondent in Ramallah, West Bank, (who has covered Israel and the Palestinian territories since 1987) and yet neither of them grasp or submit that the Temple Mount is Judaism's holiest site - not the Western Wall, as they wrongly reported in "6 Days In '67" (6-3-7).
The Turks designated the Western Wall as an alternative holy site since Muslims had stolen the Temple Mount (which they occupy to this day to Israel's shame and the daily desecration of the God of Israel's Name). If Jews rightly refused to accept Uganda as a Jewish homeland, why should Jews settle for anything less than a Temple upon the Temple Mount for worship? After all, it's the Temple Mount.
The Nazi-Muslims are determined to deny, erase and replace history with their big lie that the temples built by Solomon and Zerubbabel (enlarged by Herod) were never upon the Temple Mount, while conveniently ignoring the fact that the Koran never mentions Jerusalem once (yet it's supposedly the third most holy site in Islam) but the Bible mentions Jerusalem over 600 times!
One cannot but be reminded of George Orwell: "the past was erased. The erasure was forgotten. The lie became truth." As one who is determined to never forget, I've written to set the record straight.
May the Israelis soon restore the Temple Mount as the Temple Mount and let the mosques and Arab occupation of Judaism's holiest site become history.
David Ben-Ariel
Toledo, Ohio
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