As for the Messiah - you and your Khazar friends had your chance. He came. But the Sanhedrin conspired to kill him - it's mostly there in the New Testament
Khazar? I'm a Christian-Zionist of the Tribes of Joseph and Judah, born and raised in these "Lands of the Covenant" (the United States of Menashe).
John Mervin: Risingsun, Ohio Pioneer
German-American Israelites?
If you knew the Bible and the New Testament, you would know that it was expedient for One Man to die for the whole Nation. If Yeshua wasn't rejected by most of the Jews of His day, we wouldn't have the blood of the Passover Lamb to cover our sins, would we?
Study and see how it was all part of the Plan and stop being so hateful against the Jews who were responsible for providing for our salvation: the Son of King David, the Passover Lamb (not unclean Easter rabbit), and the soon-coming King of the Jews, the King of Israel.
Pravda and Orthodox Russia: Father, Forgive Them
If you knew the Bible, you would also recognize that the Gentilized Jesus (traditional Christianity pimps) is a counterfeit Christ and foreign to the real Yeshua the Sabbath-keeping Church of God follows and announces will soon establish His Kingdom of God-Beings on Earth in Jerusalem (not to be confused with Europe's wannabe divine emperor - the Beast - and royals).
Both Israel (Anglo-Saxons and white peoples of NW Europe) and Judah (the Jews) need to get their act together and clean House in preparation for the coming of our King.
Oh, and there's another bloke on the way. he's the one your Khazar friends and mentors are waiting for. I'd put some distance between you and them, if I were you. This one's a Fraud. In fact he's known to the Muslims as the Fraudulent Messiah (al masihu-d dajjal) and to most Christians as the Antichrist. You should be able to spot him: he's got one eye, and he's the Master that Bush and company seem to be following. Run for your life in the opposite direction.
Looks like you're already fooled because the Bible speaks of JEWS living again in the Jewish Homeland of Israel - not Khazars - and some Jews, like many professing Christians, will fall for Europe's imminent wannabe divine emperor (promoted by their Sorcerer-Pope) who will definitely appear as a savior when he defeats Islam and then destroys Rome and moves to Jerusalem, Israel's treacherous leaders having prepared the way for him, inviting disaster that will demand divine intervention: the Return of the King from Heaven (in full view of all mankind) that Two Witnesses will announce in the spirit of Elijah.