Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Slovakia resists papal pressure

Slovak cabinet falls over controversial Vatican Treaty
07.02.2006 - 10:46 CET | By Renata Goldirova

EUOBSERVER / BRATISLAVA - The Slovak government is on the verge of collapse due to a dispute among ruling coalition parties over a Vatican treaty criticised also by the EU...

The document disadvantages non-Catholics, while the Catholic Church would gain a large area of influence and be able to interfere in civil matters, said Mr Dzurinda.

This is merely the tip of the iceberg: the Vatican intends on escorting select politicians to power and reviving dormant thrones who will in exchange for services rendered enforce the bloody Roman Catholic Church position on everything from employment to worship. This ought to set off alarm bells to those who don't want to be subject to a new inquisition! Watch Slovakia fall into line and the rest will follow.

Germany and the Holy Roman Empire

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall.