Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Toledo City Paper mentions Beyond Babylon

"Beyond Babylon: Europe’s Rise and Fall"
Author: David Ben-Ariel
David Ben-Ariel was born in Bowling Green and currently lives in Toledo. His focus is not local however, as he tends to divert his energies to writing about World War III and the coming nuclear holocaust. Ben-Ariel subscribes to the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong the founder of the Worldwide Church of God and as a result Ben Ariel uses his writings to warn of our impending doom.
Quick summary: "The American, British and Jewish peoples are going down ... and the German-dominated Europe is on the rise and will defeat us in WWIII and show us no mercy." Ben-Ariel says everyone interested in avoiding this fate should read the book. At the City Paper, we plan on reading it as soon as we finish constructing our bomb shelter.
Buy "Beyond Babylon" online at for $16.95.