Thursday, December 24, 2009
Baptists reject Christmas but fall for SUNday!
The following is brief correspondence I had with some Baptists who rightly reject "the mass of Christ" as baptized paganism but somehow fail to see SUNday is spiritual adultery pimped by the same Roman Catholic Cult that deceives the world with Christmas!
I wrote:
I was thrilled to see you dare to share the plain truth about how Christmas is spiritual adultery and amounts to sun worship, and then so disappointed when I see you fall for Rome's replacement theology of SUNday and use the lame excuse it was the day of Yahshua's resurrection (which even if it were true, doesn't follow God changing His mind (Malachi 3:6) or Christ - who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrew 13:8) - about his holy commandments).
SUNday is spiritual adultery! God help you to come out of Babylon all the way.
Baptist heretics responded:
We are New Testament followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles.
We are not Old Testament followers of Moses.
The apostles changed the form of worship, just as Jesus had prophesied (John 4:20-24; Col 2:16-17; Heb 9:10).
My response:
If Jesus were your Lord, you would love and obey Him and follow His example. He kept the Sabbath, his disciples kept the Sabbath, and the whole world will keep the Sabbath when the King of the Jews returns and reigns. Furthermore, the Sabbath didn't begin or end with Moses.
Sad you commit spiritual adultery by bowing to ROME every SUNday, whether you chose to remain in drunken denial of this fact or not. True Christians know God has not changed His mind and Yahshua is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus prophesied about false followers speaking against the holy commandments of God (that they may keep their own idolatrous traditions), and Daniel warned about those who would "think to change times and laws."
Remember the Sabbath
Roman Catholic and Protestant Confessions about Sunday
"The law is done away" - don't you believe it!
I wrote:
I was thrilled to see you dare to share the plain truth about how Christmas is spiritual adultery and amounts to sun worship, and then so disappointed when I see you fall for Rome's replacement theology of SUNday and use the lame excuse it was the day of Yahshua's resurrection (which even if it were true, doesn't follow God changing His mind (Malachi 3:6) or Christ - who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrew 13:8) - about his holy commandments).
SUNday is spiritual adultery! God help you to come out of Babylon all the way.
Baptist heretics responded:
We are New Testament followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles.
We are not Old Testament followers of Moses.
The apostles changed the form of worship, just as Jesus had prophesied (John 4:20-24; Col 2:16-17; Heb 9:10).
My response:
If Jesus were your Lord, you would love and obey Him and follow His example. He kept the Sabbath, his disciples kept the Sabbath, and the whole world will keep the Sabbath when the King of the Jews returns and reigns. Furthermore, the Sabbath didn't begin or end with Moses.
Sad you commit spiritual adultery by bowing to ROME every SUNday, whether you chose to remain in drunken denial of this fact or not. True Christians know God has not changed His mind and Yahshua is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus prophesied about false followers speaking against the holy commandments of God (that they may keep their own idolatrous traditions), and Daniel warned about those who would "think to change times and laws."
Remember the Sabbath
Roman Catholic and Protestant Confessions about Sunday
"The law is done away" - don't you believe it!
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.