Sunday, October 26, 2008
Shimon Peres came to power over Rabin's dead body
Shimon Peres came to power over Rabin's dead body
I met Yitzhak Rabin in the Israeli Parliament in 1982 during Hanukkah. I was able to talk with him briefly and mention I was associated with Ambassador College in Pasadena, California.
That was a tactful way of saying I'm a Christian since I knew he personally knew Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God, including the Plain Truth magazine. Herbert Armstrong had formerly presented him with a gift of Steuben crystal.I was a volunteer at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan at the time, in Northern Israel near Haifa. Just so happens Yitzhak Rabin had lived there for over a year in the late '50s.
I initially considered Prime Minister Rabin -- born in Jerusalem -- a traitor for surrendering too much to sworn Arab enemies who had not changed their goal of genocide, only their tactics; for going against clear security concerns he once expressed. (I was in a cafe in Jerusalem when he was shot in Tel Aviv). I refused to attend his funeral, although I had attended the funeral of Meir Kahane, former Israeli parliament member and rabbi, some years before.
Later I found out Yitzhak Rabin was apparently being pressured by the dark powers that be to continue to go against what he knew was wrong and that he resisted and was therefore MURDERED by them for coming to his senses. Shimon Peres came to power over the dead body of Yitzhak Rabin.
I do not believe Yigal Amir murdered Rabin. (I've met Avishai Raviv several times at demonstrations -- he's the government agent provocateur who goaded Yigal Amir to murder Rabin). Yigal Amir is a patsy, the fall-guy, as is thoroughly expounded upon in Who Killed Yitzhak Rabin? by Barry Chamish, his first book that broached the subject and clearly indicts the traitor and murderer suspect Shimon Peres (whose Hebrew name appropriately means vulture).
I repeatedly condemn Shimon Peres as a kapo of compromise, a prostitute who serves his German-Jesuit EU masters, a traitor who has sold and is selling out Jews, Jerusalem and Israel and say as much in my book Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall.
I am on public record against the perfidy of Shimon Peres and continue to expose him. He was the Bolshevik in charge during my unjust deportation, who was very much aware of an article published in Jerusalem where I expose the EU plans for Jerusalem's occupation.
The Israeli Secret Police (six men interrogated me) had a computer disk with Beyond Babylon on it and said many would read it and examine it during their investigation of me during their wild goose chase. I told them to make sure then Prime Minister Shimon Peres read it.
New evidence further PROVES Yigal Amir did not kill Yitzhak Rabin. It's past time Israelis demand: REOPEN THE RABIN FILE. And now with the release of the Kempler video, many are doing just that!
I met Yitzhak Rabin in the Israeli Parliament in 1982 during Hanukkah. I was able to talk with him briefly and mention I was associated with Ambassador College in Pasadena, California.
That was a tactful way of saying I'm a Christian since I knew he personally knew Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God, including the Plain Truth magazine. Herbert Armstrong had formerly presented him with a gift of Steuben crystal.I was a volunteer at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan at the time, in Northern Israel near Haifa. Just so happens Yitzhak Rabin had lived there for over a year in the late '50s.
I initially considered Prime Minister Rabin -- born in Jerusalem -- a traitor for surrendering too much to sworn Arab enemies who had not changed their goal of genocide, only their tactics; for going against clear security concerns he once expressed. (I was in a cafe in Jerusalem when he was shot in Tel Aviv). I refused to attend his funeral, although I had attended the funeral of Meir Kahane, former Israeli parliament member and rabbi, some years before.
Later I found out Yitzhak Rabin was apparently being pressured by the dark powers that be to continue to go against what he knew was wrong and that he resisted and was therefore MURDERED by them for coming to his senses. Shimon Peres came to power over the dead body of Yitzhak Rabin.
I do not believe Yigal Amir murdered Rabin. (I've met Avishai Raviv several times at demonstrations -- he's the government agent provocateur who goaded Yigal Amir to murder Rabin). Yigal Amir is a patsy, the fall-guy, as is thoroughly expounded upon in Who Killed Yitzhak Rabin? by Barry Chamish, his first book that broached the subject and clearly indicts the traitor and murderer suspect Shimon Peres (whose Hebrew name appropriately means vulture).
I repeatedly condemn Shimon Peres as a kapo of compromise, a prostitute who serves his German-Jesuit EU masters, a traitor who has sold and is selling out Jews, Jerusalem and Israel and say as much in my book Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall.
I am on public record against the perfidy of Shimon Peres and continue to expose him. He was the Bolshevik in charge during my unjust deportation, who was very much aware of an article published in Jerusalem where I expose the EU plans for Jerusalem's occupation.
The Israeli Secret Police (six men interrogated me) had a computer disk with Beyond Babylon on it and said many would read it and examine it during their investigation of me during their wild goose chase. I told them to make sure then Prime Minister Shimon Peres read it.
New evidence further PROVES Yigal Amir did not kill Yitzhak Rabin. It's past time Israelis demand: REOPEN THE RABIN FILE. And now with the release of the Kempler video, many are doing just that!
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