Thursday, July 10, 2008
Gershon Salomon/Temple Mount Faithful Speaking Tour
We are very happy to advise you that the chairman of our movement, Gershon Salomon, is undertaking a special speaking tour of the United States. The visit is scheduled to take place from August 13 to September 17, 2008. He is coming at a very critical and exciting time in the history of Israel and all mankind in order to share with you his vision concerning the building of the Third Temple, as well as the current prophetic situation on the Temple Mount and in the land of Israel. These events affect the destiny of all the world in the near future. Mr. Salomon will also share with you his Biblical vision concerning Jerusalem, Israel, and all mankind. We expect many major godly events to occur in the near future which will affect all the world. We feel that the time is short and that all of our prophetic desires are going to be accomplished. The vision and activities of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement will be in the midst of all these events and will strongly affect them. Mr. Salomon will also share with you the campaign of the Temple Mount Faithful Movement for these godly causes and his expectations for the near future. If you are interested in having Mr. Salomon speak in your congregation or with your group, please contact Connie Underwood via safemail("connie","","e-mail") e-mail or telephone her at: 407-884-5108. Important Note: Please be aware that The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement is no longer associated with Fellowship Church or any of its related ministries. All communications regarding speaking engagements are to be handled through Connie Underwood at the above-mentioned contacts. (If you have any questions regarding this change, you may safemail("gershon","","contact our office") contact our office for further information.) We bless you from Jerusalem in the name of the G-d of Israel and the Universe, The Executive CommitteeThe Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement Home
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