The British Royal Family must be reminded of their Hebrew roots and Israelite origins and encouraged to become like King David, "a man after God's own heart."
May Queen Elizabeth II use her Christmas message to educate the world of her Davidic ancestry and biblical responsibilities and announce she will no longer participate in heathen customs and pagan holidays that masquerade as Christian but will begin to love and obey God and keep the biblical festivals that God has blessed Israel with to share with all the world.
Plea to Diehard Catholics & Protestants to Repent
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
National Destruction, Defeat and Deportation?
Many of the biblical prophecies concerning the "Lost Ten Tribes" have been fulfilled, especially the birthright blessing of Joseph, the Anglo-Saxon's unparalleled power and prosperity, and the continuation of King David's dynasty, Israel in the isles...but now, unless our proud and stubborn people confess and forsake their physical and spiritual idolatry and immorality, the bitter prophecies of national destruction, defeat and deportation are upon us.
Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives
Death to the American, British & Jewish Peoples?
British-Israelites and Jews in Grave Danger
The Bible is very clear that the Great Tribulation, the Time of Jacob's Trouble is near.
Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives
Death to the American, British & Jewish Peoples?
British-Israelites and Jews in Grave Danger
The Bible is very clear that the Great Tribulation, the Time of Jacob's Trouble is near.
The United States and Britain in Prophecy by HWA
By Herbert W. Armstrong
People of the Western world would be stunned—dumbfounded—if they knew! The governments of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australasia, South Africa would set in motion gigantic crash programs—if they knew! They could know! But they don’t! Why?
Chapter 1 The Lost Master Key Has Been Found
Chapter 2 Prophecies Closed Until Now!
Chapter 3 National Greatness Promised Israel—Yet the Jews Never Received It—Why?
Chapter 4 The Separation of the Birthright and the Sceptre
Chapter 5 The Davidic Covenant
Chapter 6 Children of Israel Become Two Nations
Chapter 7 Jeremiah's Mysterious Commission
Chapter 8 The Mysterious Breach
Chapter 9 Israel's New Land
Chapter 10 Birthright Withheld 2520 Years!
Chapter 11 Why Israel Lost Identity
Chapter 12 The Birthright—At Its Zenith—And Now!
Chapter 13 And Now What? The Prophecies for the Immediate Future
Chapter 14 What's Prophesied to Happen, Now—To America and Britain
People of the Western world would be stunned—dumbfounded—if they knew! The governments of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australasia, South Africa would set in motion gigantic crash programs—if they knew! They could know! But they don’t! Why?
Chapter 1 The Lost Master Key Has Been Found
Chapter 2 Prophecies Closed Until Now!
Chapter 3 National Greatness Promised Israel—Yet the Jews Never Received It—Why?
Chapter 4 The Separation of the Birthright and the Sceptre
Chapter 5 The Davidic Covenant
Chapter 6 Children of Israel Become Two Nations
Chapter 7 Jeremiah's Mysterious Commission
Chapter 8 The Mysterious Breach
Chapter 9 Israel's New Land
Chapter 10 Birthright Withheld 2520 Years!
Chapter 11 Why Israel Lost Identity
Chapter 12 The Birthright—At Its Zenith—And Now!
Chapter 13 And Now What? The Prophecies for the Immediate Future
Chapter 14 What's Prophesied to Happen, Now—To America and Britain
Sunday, November 26, 2006
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Text by Herbert Armstrong
© 1972 Worldwide Church of God
All rights Reserved
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It is a free educational service in the public interest, published by the
Worldwide Church of God.
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How many times have you heard non-Christians, judging one who professes Christ, say in disgust: "Well if that's Christianity, I don't want any of it!"
How many judge GOD by the way professing Christians live? How many assume that one must live a perfect life, before he can become a Christian?
How many say: "If I could give up smoking, I'd become a Christian."
How many think a Christian is supposed to be perfect, never doing anything wrong? Suppose you do see or hear about a Christian doing something wrong. Does that mean he is a hypocrite -- that he is not really a Christian, after all?
Is it possible for one to actually sin while he is a Christian and still remain a truly converted Christian?
The startling truth is that few know just what is a Christian. Few know how one is converted -- whether suddenly, all at once, or gradually. Does conversion happen immediately, or is it a process? It's high time we understood what constitutes real conversion.
DO CHRISTIANS ever sin? If one does, is he lost?
First let me ask -- and answer the question "What is true Christian conversion?" "What is a real Christian in the sight of God?" Does joining a church make one a Christian? Does saying, "I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour" make one a Christian?
Let's get the Bible definition. In Romans 8:6-9 you will read: "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind [fleshly mind] is enmity [hostile] against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh [fleshly minded] cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."
A Christian, then, is one who has received, and in whose mind dwells the Holy Spirit of God. Otherwise he is NOT Christ's -- NOT a Christian.
False Conversion
Millions may profess to be Christians, but unless God's Holy Spirit, given as HIS GIFT by GRACE, is at the moment, dwelling in them, they are NOT CHRISTIANS.
Millions may have their names written in Church membership books, and still be "NONE OF HIS" -- not really CHRISTIANS at all! And millions are so deceived (Rev. 12:9).
So UNDERSTAND THIS! A person is a Christian -- in God's sight -- ONLY while God's Holy Spirit is dwelling IN him. Not before! Not after!
So a truly converted person has received (and currently has) God's Holy Spirit dwelling within him. But, there is yet quite a bit more to understanding what constitutes real conversion.
Real Conversion
There is a sense in which true conversion does take place at a definite time -- all at once. But it is also true that in another sense conversion is worked out gradually -- a process of development and growth.
Now NOTICE carefully!
WHEN does one really become a Christian? It is when he receives God's Holy Spirit. In Romans 8:9, we read that unless we have the Holy Spirit, we are not Christ's -- not Christians.
There is a definite TIME when God's Spirit enters into one. At the very moment he receives the Holy Spirit, he is, in this first sense, converted. Yes, all at once! If he has Christ's Spirit, he is CHRIST'S -- he is a Christian! The very Life of God has entered into (impregnated) him. He has been begotten as a child of God.
But does that mean his salvation is complete? Is he now fully and finally "saved"? Is that all there is to it? Is he now, suddenly, perfect? Is it now impossible for him to do WRONG?
No! FAR FROM IT! BUT WHY? What's the answer? Why do so many MISunderstand?
Why does almost NOBODY understand the very PURPOSE of the Christian life?
The Purpose of the Christian Life
WHY do people not understand the very Gospel Jesus Christ taught? He taught the KINGDOM OF GOD. So did the apostles, including Paul. Jesus spoke mostly in parables. Take a quick look at one or two. Notice what Jesus revealed. Notice the awe-inspiring TREMENDOUS potential that is ours.
Take the parable of the nobleman going to a far country, later to return. It is in Luke 19:11-27. Jesus is the Nobleman. He was going to a far country -- to the heaven of God's throne, seat of the government of the entire universe. He spoke this parable because His disciples thought the Kingdom of God should appear immediately. So far more than 1900 years have gone by, and the Kingdom of God has not yet appeared.
So He called, in the parable, his ten servants, and He gave them ten pounds -- a pound each, using, in our English language translation, the English unit of money. This is symbolic of one unit of SPIRITUAL VALUE with which each was started out. In other words, representative of the portion of God's Holy Spirit which was given to each on initial conversion.
But His citizens hated Him. They rejected Him as their RULER. They said, "We will not have this man to REIGN OVER us. The Kingdom of God is a RULING GOVERNMENT. They, as of then, received no conversion -- no "pounds." (They shall yet find conversion, as many, many passages of Scripture affirm).
Now the reason for His going to heaven was to "receive for himself a KINGDOM, and to return." That is, He was going to the throne of the Government of the entire universe where God Almighty, the Father, sits, to have conferred on Him the RULERSHIP OF THE WORLD. The coronation ceremony will take place in heaven, at the throne of UNIVERSE RULE. When He returns He will be crowned with MANY CROWNS (Rev. 19:12). He is coming to RULE ALL NATIONS with almighty divine POWER (verse 15).
Back to Luke 19. On his return, his servants, to whom he had given the money -- that is, the beginning unit of GOD'S SPIRIT at conversion -- are to be called to an accounting, "that he might know how much each man had GAINED" while he was gone. This means each Christian is expected to GROW spiritually -- in spiritual KNOWLEDGE and grace (see II Peter 3:18). The Christian life is a life of spiritual GOING TO SCHOOL -- of training for a POSITION IN GOD'S KINGDOM, when and after we shall be changed from mortal to immortal -- when we shall be no longer flesh-and-blood humans, but composed of SPIRIT, with eternal life inherent.
In the parable, the first came to report he had multiplied what he had been given TEN TIMES. You see, the receiving of God's Spirit is GOD'S GIFT -- that is what God does -- it comes by GRACE, as a gift. WE CAN'T EARN IT. But all through the New Testament it is made plain we shall be REWARDED according to OUR WORKS. Not SAVED by works we have done. This man had, by his own application, multiplied his spiritual gift ten times -- his one pound was now ten pounds. He received a greater REWARD than the one who gained five pounds.
The nobleman (Christ) said to him, "Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in very little, have thou AUTHORITY over TEN CITIES.
He had qualified to RULE. He had been obedient to God's commands -- God's government. We have to BE RULED before we can learn to RULE.
The second servant had increased his spiritual stock of goods five times. He had qualified, in this life, for HALF as much as the first servant. He was given HALF the REWARD.
The Kingdom of God
So the parable of the pounds shows Christians are to RULE under Christ, when the Kingdom of God is set up. Jesus was speaking of GOVERNMENT -- world government. This parable was given to show that the Kingdom of God was not to appear at that time. The Kingdom is not an ethereal, sentimental something "in our hearts." It is not the Church.
Daniel's prophecy shows that the SAINTS are to RULE, under Christ the Messiah, when he sets up literal WORLD GOVERNMENT. See Daniel 2 -- read it through and then notice verse 44. This Kingdom will break in pieces every other form of government -- all rule of man -- and will stand forever. Notice Daniel 7: And especially verses 18 and 22. It will be an earthly kingdom -- not in heaven, but "UNDER the whole heaven," verse 27.
Jesus said: "And he that overcometh, and keepeth MY WORKS unto the end, to him will I give POWER over the nations: and he shall RULE THEM with a rod of iron (Rev. 2:26-27).
He said, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne. even as I also overcame, and am set down with my father in his throne" (Rev. 3:21). When Jesus said this, through John in the 90's A.D., He was in heaven with His Father on the throne from which the entire universe is governed.
When Jesus sits on His own throne on this earth it will be the throne of David, in Jerusalem. Notice what is said of Jesus: "He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall REIGN over the House of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end" (Luke 1:32-33).
But He was not going to set up the world government of the Kingdom of God at that time. The Bible speaks of three worlds -- or ages -- in time order. First, the world that then was, overflowed with water -- prior to the flood; second, this present evil world; and third the world to come. On trial for His life before Pilate, Jesus said He was born to be a king (John 18:37), but that His kingdom was not of this world. He will rule THE WORLD TOMORROW (verse 36).
The saints (Spirit-led Christians) are to reign, under Christ, "ON THE EARTH" (Rev. 5:10), for a thousand years (Rev. 20:4, 6).
WHY has the whole world been deceived with a false gospel (Rev. 12:9)? WHY have they been deceived into belief in a counterfeit Kingdom of God? (Request our free booklets "What Is the True Gospel?" and "Just What Do You Mean -- the Kingdom of God?").
Look again at the many parables of Jesus. They teach the Kingdom of God. They make plain the fact the Kingdom of God is the WORLD GOVERNMENT soon, now, to be set up by Christ, coming in ALL POWER and GLORY, to bring us world peace, abundance, happiness and joy.
The purpose of the Christian life is to train future KINGS to rule with and under Christ. How then, does one become a Christian? When? And WHY IS salvation a PROCESS, as well as an initial phase when he becomes a Christian instantaneously?
Here is the PLAIN TRUTH YOU need to know.
Real Repentance
I repeat: "A Christian (a truly converted person) is one who has received, and in whose mind dwells the Holy Spirit of God."
But how does one receive the Spirit of God?
On the day the Church of God was started, the Apostle Peter said, "Repent, and be baptized ... in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38).
Repent of what? Of sin. And what is sin? "Sin is the transgression of the law" (I John 3:4). What law? The law that the carnal mind, hostile to God, is not subject to -- the Law of God (Rom. 8:7). Again, we read of "the Holy Spirit, whom God hath given to them that obey him" (Acts 5:32).
These are the two conditions to receiving God's GIFT of the Holy Spirit: Repentance and Faith. Being baptized is the outward manifestation of the inner faith in Christ. Repentance is not merely being sorry for something one has done -- or even many such sins. It is real repentance of what one is and has been -- of his whole past attitude and life apart from God. It is a total change of mind and heart and direction of life. It is a change to a new WAY OF LIFE. It is a turning from the self-centered way of vanity, selfishness, greed; hostility to authority, envy, jealousy and unconcern for the good and welfare of others to the God-centered WAY of obedience, submission to authority, love toward God more than love of self and of love and concern for other humans equal to self-concern.
LOVE is the fulfilling of God's Law (Rom. 13:10) -- but God's Law is a spiritual law (Rom. 7:14) and can be fulfilled only by "the love of God, shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit" (Rom. 5:5).
The Holy Spirit will open one's mind to UNDERSTAND God's instruction on how to live, but it will not force one to live God's way -- it will not pull or push one. Each Christian must take his own initiative, though God's Spirit will give him help, faith and power. But it is "as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" (Rom. 8:14).
Real Christian Conversion
The two above-mentioned conditions to becoming a Christian -- REPENTANCE and FAITH -- we ourselves must perform.
But these do not make us Christians -- do not convert us. It is what GOD does -- giving His Holy Spirit by His grace as His free gift -- that converts us.
Our repentance and faith do not earn the receiving of God's Spirit. God does not give us His Spirit because we repent and believe. He gives His Spirit because He wants to give it. He wants us to have His Spirit as His gift before we repent. He merely requires repentance and faith as conditions.
Yet no one can, of himself, say: "Oh now, I see -- I must repent. All right, I hereby repent." One does not just decide casually, as a matter of routine, to repent. WHY?
Jesus Christ said that none can come to Him, except the Spirit of the Father draw him (John 6:44, 65). God grants repentance (Rom. 2:4). God calls one, and convicts the mind and conscience by His Spirit, working on the mind externally. Usually a real struggle goes on within. The person has been shaken to know he has done wrong -- that he is wrong -- he has sinned -- he is a sinner! He is brought to real REPENTANCE, not only for what he has done, but for what he now sees that he is. It is not easy. The self never wants to die. To repent is to make an unconditional surrender to God -- to obey His Law!
Yet he, himself, must make the decision. If he does repent, surrender to God, and in FAITH accept Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, then, upon performance of these TWO conditions, God promises to put within him the GIFT of the Holy Spirit. This is the very life of God -- SPIRIT life. It imparts to him the very divine nature!
Then what, at that stage, has happened?
This new convert has only been begotten of God -- not yet BORN. Many who believe they are "born again" on receiving the Holy Spirit are more in error in terminology than in what happens (for a full explanation, write for our free booklet "Just What Do You Mean -- Born Again?").
This new convert has not received the full measure of God's Spirit which Christ had; he is only a spiritual babe in Christ. He must now GROW spiritually, just as a newly conceived embryo in its mother's womb must grow physically large enough to be BORN as a human.
This new convert has now REPENTED, in his mind, from the depths of his heart. HE MEANS IT, too! In all sincerity, in his mind and heart, he has turned around to go the other way -- to live a different life. He is now a CHRISTIAN -- he has received God's Holy Spirit. He has been converted, He is a Christian. He really wants to do what is right -- to obey God -- to live GOD'S WAY.
What If a Christian Sins?
So a Christian convert, then, is one who has received God's Spirit, which is dwelling in him, leading him, and he is following GOD'S WAY of life. A converted Christian has forsaken his former habitual way of life -- his selfish way unconcerned with God. Now he lives in the habitual way of God's WORD -- in the light of the Word of God.
But suppose, like an 8- or 10-month-old baby trying to learn to walk, as he "walks" this NEW WAY, he stumbles, "falls down," as it were, and SINS. Is he then condemned lost -- no longer a Christian?
I would like you, now, to notice, and UNDERSTAND, what the Apostle John was inspired to write for our admonition. It is in the first letter (epistle) of John:
Speaking of Christ, in his opening salutation, as "That which was from the beginning ... which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us; that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ" (I John 1:1-3).
The true Christian has been reconciled to God through Christ. And, having God's Spirit, he enjoys actual fellowship with the Father and the Son Jesus Christ. And even his fellowship with fellow-Christians is through God and Christ. He is joined to them, as the different branches are joined to a grape vine and joined together through and by the vine. Compare Jesus' analogy in John 15:1-7. Christians, then, are actually walking with Christ -- and two cannot walk together except they be in agreement (Amos 3:3).
Now continue in I John: "This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not [are not doing] the truth" (verses 5-6). That is, He -- the living Christ -- is walking in the light -- as if on a brilliantly lighted path. But if we are walking in darkness, we are walking on a different path altogether, where it is dark. Therefore we are not walking with Him at all, and if we say we are, we are lying.
But suppose, while walking with Him -- in the light -- one of us stumbles and falls down. This is not a case of having turned away from Him and the path He is treading, to a different and darkened path. If we say, "Oh I'm sorry," would He not give us a hand and help us get up and continue on the lighted path with Him? Would He become angry and say, "Get off my path -- go walk down a darkened path"?
In still other words, the true Christian has turned from his former life of habitual sin -- and from his former attitude of selfishness, and self-seeking when he had no serious intention of living God's way. But now he has turned from his former way. His life, in general, now, is the habitual way of the Christian life.
But he is not perfect the minute he is converted and receives God's Spirit. He must GROW spiritually, in grace and knowledge of Christ, as Peter writes in II Peter 3:18. He is the creature of habit, and all old former habits do not just automatically leave him without any effort on his part to overcome them. He must learn to overcome sin. It is inevitable that he may be caught off guard and make a mistake. So continue in I John 1:
"But if we walk in the light" -- that is, even though we may stumble occasionally, it is now only the occasional slip -- not a turning our back on God's WAY -- not a turning back to the habitual and constant way of sin.
Do you begin to UNDERSTAND the difference? The true Christian intends to live God's WAY. He wants to live God's way. He tries to live God's way. And, in general, it now actually is his habitual NEW WAY of life. The occasional slip, or sin, does not mean that in his mind and heart he has rejected God and God's WAY. Continue:
" ... As He is in the light" -- if that is now our goal and purpose and habitual way of life -- then "we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us [us who are now Christians] from all sin. If we [Christians] say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us" (verses 7-8).
If we, now Christians, say that we are already perfect -- that we never slip up and make a mistake or commit a sin, we are deceiving ourselves. I knew a woman who deceived herself in this way. She claimed to be above sin -- claimed she never sinned. And although she was what most people would call a good woman, she actually was committing the biggest sin of all -- spiritual pride and vanity! She gloried in her "sinless" state. She lacked Christian humility.
But if, while walking down this lighted path with God, one stumbles and falls down, does God kick him aside?
Verse 9: "If we [we who are Christians -- it is not talking about the unconverted] confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
So notice the "IF." "If we confess our sins." When we stumble, we must admit it -- we must repent of it -- we must ask forgiveness. If we deny it, or blame it on somebody else, we shall not be forgiven. We must confess it -- to God!
"If we say that we [as Christians] have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." The context continues right on into the second chapter: "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not." In other words, we should not sin -- we must strive to avoid any sin. God gives us no license to sin. But, " ... if any man sin, we [we Christians] have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our sins [those of us who are Christians]: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world" (chapter 2:1-3). But, of course He is the propitiation for the sins of the unconverted in the world only when they come to real repentance, and faith in Christ.
Real Conversion -- A Process
Because many do not correctly understand the whole above-mentioned process, they become discouraged. And some even give up even trying to live a Christian life. And why? Because of the false notion that a Christian is one who becomes PERFECT at one fell swoop, or that one cannot become a Christian until he has broken all wrong habits, and made himself righteous.
It's vital to UNDERSTAND how true Christianity REALLY works!
The newly begotten Christian must grow up, spiritually. What would you think of a human baby, who became 6 feet tall all at once, without growing up? The growing up process requires TIME. There is an instant when a person receives the impregnating Holy Spirit of God -- when he first becomes a Christian. But he is only a spiritual infant. He must grow up spiritually.
The newly converted person, in his mind and heart, sincerely has ABOUT-FACED! He has actually gained contact with GOD, and received God's Holy Spirit. God's own divine NATURE has now been conceived within him. BUT THAT'S ALL: It is merely conceived -- not yet full grown! He is still human -- mortal -- flesh and blood. He is still composed of matter, not Spirit.
Understand this!
For nearly 6,000 years, humanity has been going in the WAY OF pride and vanity, selfishness and greed, a lack of outgoing concern for others -- the spirit of competition, opposition, strife, effort to acquire, and to exalt the self. Humans have been filled with self-gratification, jealousy, envy, resentment toward others, a spirit of rebellion against authority and hostility toward God and the Law of God.
The Christian must overcome these tendencies.
The Christian must develop the righteous CHARACTER to choose the right way, and resist the wrong -- to discipline the self in the way he ought to go, instead of the way of self-desire and vanity.
Perfect Character
God's PURPOSE in having created humanity -- in having caused YOU to be born -- is to reproduce Himself. (Write for our free booklet "Why Were You Born?")
God, above all things, is PERFECT, RIGHTEOUS Character! God is able to create character within us; but it must be done as a result of our independent free choice. We, as individual separate entities, have our part in the process.
What is perfect character? It is the ability, in a separate entity with free moral agency, to come to the KNOWLEDGE of the right from the wrong -- the true from the false -- and to CHOOSE the right, and possess the WILL to enforce self-discipline to DO the right and resist the wrong.
Like muscle, character is developed, and grows by exercise. My name is Armstrong. I suppose I could make my arm slightly stronger, and develop the muscle, by constantly bending it back and forth at the elbow. But if I pull, or push, against some heavy weight or resistance, the muscle will develop much faster. There is within us this NATURE that exerts a heavy pull against that perfect righteous character -- to give us something to strive against for the VERY PURPOSE OF STRENGTHENING AND DEVELOPING RIGHT CHARACTER!
God's CHARACTER travels in the direction of His Law -- the way of LOVE. It is an outgoing CONCERN for others. God has that character! He has an outgoing concern for you and for me. He GAVE His only begotten Son to reconcile us to Him and make the JOYS of His character and everlasting life possible for us (John 3:16). He showers on us every good and precious gift. He even puts within us HIS DIVINE NATURE (II Peter 1:4) -- when we repent and turn from the WRONG ways of THIS WORLD, begin to resist it, and turn TO Him through faith in Jesus Christ as personal Saviour!
God's divine nature is the nature of love -- of giving, serving, helping -- of outgoing concern. It is also the nature of humility.
Now when one is converted -- has repented, and turned from this world's false WAYS -- has at once received God's Holy Spirit -- his humanity -- his HUMAN nature does not flee. It too, remains. It still exerts a pull. We still live in THIS PRESENT EVIL WORLD, and it exerts a pull. God still allows Satan to be around; and HE exerts a pull.
So we now have THREE PULLS to RESIST -- to OVERCOME! We must now overcome these three: Satan, this world, and our own SELVES. We have to battle against these three, in order to develop and strengthen RIGHT CHARACTER within us. God says plainly it is THE OVERCOMERS who shall be saved -- who shall REIGN with Christ! (Rev. 2:26-27; 3:21; 21:7.)
God's Help
No human being is strong enough to do this BY HIMSELF! He must seek, and IN FAITH receive, the help and power of GOD. Even with God's power he will not overcome such forces easily or all at once. IT IS NOT EASY! Christ plainly said the way to ultimate salvation is hard, difficult (Matt. 7:13, 14). It's a constant BATTLE -- a struggle against self, the world, and the devil. The creation of CHARACTER comes through EXPERIENCE. It takes TIME!
This development is a PROCESS. It is a matter of GROWTH -- DEVELOPMENT. It requires, to become PERFECT, full and right KNOWLEDGE of the very Word of God; because Jesus taught that we must live by EVERY WORD OF GOD (Matt. 4:4; Luke 4:4).
The natural, unconverted mind cannot fully and rightly UNDERSTAND the Scriptures of God. But the Holy Spirit opens the mind to this spiritual comprehension. The acquisition of this KNOWLEDGE, in itself, is a procedure requiring TIME. It is the DOERS of this Word, not hearers only, who shall be saved (Romans 2:13).
But can any man DO, immediately and all at once, this new WAY he now learns about? Can any man, all at once, break all HABITS he now sees are wrong? No, he finds he has a FIGHT against acquired former habits.
He still has this PULL of human nature to overcome. This nature is A LAW working within him -- produced by the broadcasting of Satan the devil -- the Prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2). This whole world is in tune with the very mind of the devil (Rev. 12:9).
The Apostle Paul calls this pull of human nature the law of sin and death.
Paul was converted. Paul was a real Christian. He had repented, accepted Christ, and received the Holy Spirit. With his MIND, he wanted with all his heart, and in real intense sincerity, to DO God's WAY! But did Paul DO it perfectly?
Let him tell. LISTEN!
Paul's Experience
"For we know that the Law is spiritual," he wrote, "but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I .... Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me." He is speaking of human nature within him. He continues, " ... for to WILL is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do .... For I delight in the Law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members" (Romans 7:14-23).
The law of his mind is the Law of God -- the Ten Commandments. The law "in his members" is human nature. Then Paul cries out. " ... O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? ..." Then he thanks God -- that GOD WILL -- through Jesus Christ, and by the power of His HOLY SPIRIT. BUT IT TAKES TIME!
The truly converted Christian will find that he often stumbles, under temptation, and falls down -- even as a physical child learning to walk often falls down. But the year-old child does not get discouraged and give up. He gets up and starts out again.
GOD LOOKS ON THE HEART -- the inner MOTIVE -- the real intent! If he is trying -- if he gets up whenever he falls down, and in repentance asks God's forgiveness, and sets out to do his very best NOT TO MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN -- and to persevere with renewed effort to OVERCOME, God is rich in mercy toward that man in his striving to overcome.
I think it should be apparent by now that the newly converted Christian is not PERFECT all at once. He does not -- must not -- commit sin deliberately and willfully in a spirit and attitude of rebellion. That's what he has repented of! He wants to live completely above sin. But to live perfectly would require all spiritual KNOWLEDGE. He would have to live by EVERY WORD of the Bible. The Holy Spirit imparts spiritual perception so he can UNDERSTAND the Bible. And to understand all the Bible TAKES TIME. We have to GROW into the KNOWLEDGE of HOW to live perfectly without sin.
A Christian may, from force of habit, or under weakness and temptation, sin. But if he is a Christian, he is immediately repentant, and on this repentance Christ's sacrifice cleanses his sin (I John 1:7-9).
Converted people often are under heavier temptation than before conversion. They are STRIVING against sin, STRIVING to overcome. But they are not yet perfect. Sometimes they are caught off guard. They may actually sin. Then they WAKE UP, as it were, and realize what they have done. They REPENT. They are filled with remorse -- truly sorry -- disgusted with themselves. They go to GOD, and CRY OUT for HELP -- for more power and strength from God to OVERCOME (Hebrews 4:16).
This is the WAY of the Christian!
It is the way of a constant BATTLE -- a striving against SIN -- a seeking God in earnest prayer for help and spiritual POWER to overcome. And if they are diligent, they are constantly GAINING GROUND. They are constantly GROWING in God's KNOWLEDGE, from the BIBLE. They are constantly rooting out wrong habits, driving themselves into RIGHT habits. They are constantly growing closer to GOD through Bible study and prayer. They are constantly growing in CHARACTER, toward perfection, even though not yet perfect.
What If One Dies?
But, someone may ask, what if one's life is cut off, and he dies before he has attained this perfection? Is he saved, or lost? The answer is that we shall never obtain absolute perfection in this life.
I said, earlier, that a person who is converted does receive the Holy Spirit at a definite time -- all at once! Not the full measure Christ had -- he is not at once full grown spiritually -- only a spiritual babe in Christ. Yet he is then a changed, converted person -- changed in mind, in attitude, in the direction he has set himself to travel. Even though he has not yet reached perfection -- even though he may have stumbled under temptation, and taken a spiritual fall -- as long as, in his mind and heart, he is earnestly striving to travel GOD'S WAY, to overcome and grow spiritually -- as long as God's Spirit is in him -- as long as he is being LED BY the Spirit of God, he is a begotten SON OF GOD.
If, anywhere along this life's journey, that life is cut short, such a man will be resurrected -- saved -- immortal in God's Kingdom.
Never Give Up and Quit
It is only the one who QUITS and GIVES UP (Hebrews 10:38) -- who REJECTS God, and God's WAY, and rejects Christ as his Saviour -- who neglects or turns FROM this direction of GOD'S WAY, in his mind and heart (in his inner INTENT) who deliberately and intentionally in his mind -- or, from continued neglect -- TURNS FROM Christ -- who is lost.
If, once having been converted, having received God's Spirit, and TASTED of the joys of GOD'S WAY, one deliberately rejects that way, makes the DECISION, not under stress of temptation, but deliberately and finally, NOT to go God's way, then God says it is IMPOSSIBLE to renew such a one to repentance. He would have to REPENT of that decision. But if he WILLFULLY made it, not in a time of temptation, but calmly, deliberately, willfully, then he just WILL NOT ever repent of it. But anyone who FEARS he may have committed the "unpardonable sin" -- is perhaps worried about it, and HOPES he has not committed it, and still wants to have God's salvation -- no such individual has committed it -- such a one MAY repent, and go right on to salvation IF HE WANTS to!
(If you would like a booklet that thoroughly expounds and explains all about "the unpardonable sin," write for our free publication on the subject. Its thought-provoking title is "What Do You Mean -- "The Unpardonable Sin"?" It will make the truth plain.)
What To Do?
If you see a Christian do something wrong, DON'T SIT IN JUDGMENT AND CONDEMN -- that's God's business to judge, not yours! Let's have compassion and mercy -- WE don't know the inner heart of others -- only GOD does!
And if you, yourself, have stumbled and fallen down, DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! Get up and press on ahead!
God looks on the heart -- the attitude -- the intent.
As long as one, in his heart, has the real desire to walk God's WAY with Him -- is deeply sorry and repents when he commits the occasional sin -- and is seeking to overcome sin, and to make God's way his habitual way of life, he will stumble on occasion, but if he confesses it and repents, he will be forgiven. But, if he is diligent in his Christian life, his occasional stumbling will become less and less -- he will be making good progress, overcoming, GROWING spiritually and in righteous godly character.
What is your attitude? When you have sinned, have you been carelessly indifferent about it? You are on dangerous ground. Do you justify it, feel others are to blame? That will never justify your sins. Do you still desire to go God's Way? Then it's not too late. Turn from sins, CONFESS your sins -- to God. REPENT! Pick yourself up, with Christ's helping hand, and go on overcoming and GROWING spiritually.
(And if you are one who has NEVER really repented, been baptized and received God's Holy Spirit -- and yet earnestly desire to -- you may want to get in contact with one of God's true ministers. See page 25 for details.)
But remember, once you know you have really repented and been forgiven, don't repeat the sin(s), but FORGET it. As the Apostle Paul wrote, FORGETTING those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 3:13-14).
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Text by Herbert Armstrong
© 1972 Worldwide Church of God
All rights Reserved
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It is a free educational service in the public interest, published by the
Worldwide Church of God.
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How many times have you heard non-Christians, judging one who professes Christ, say in disgust: "Well if that's Christianity, I don't want any of it!"
How many judge GOD by the way professing Christians live? How many assume that one must live a perfect life, before he can become a Christian?
How many say: "If I could give up smoking, I'd become a Christian."
How many think a Christian is supposed to be perfect, never doing anything wrong? Suppose you do see or hear about a Christian doing something wrong. Does that mean he is a hypocrite -- that he is not really a Christian, after all?
Is it possible for one to actually sin while he is a Christian and still remain a truly converted Christian?
The startling truth is that few know just what is a Christian. Few know how one is converted -- whether suddenly, all at once, or gradually. Does conversion happen immediately, or is it a process? It's high time we understood what constitutes real conversion.
DO CHRISTIANS ever sin? If one does, is he lost?
First let me ask -- and answer the question "What is true Christian conversion?" "What is a real Christian in the sight of God?" Does joining a church make one a Christian? Does saying, "I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour" make one a Christian?
Let's get the Bible definition. In Romans 8:6-9 you will read: "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind [fleshly mind] is enmity [hostile] against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh [fleshly minded] cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."
A Christian, then, is one who has received, and in whose mind dwells the Holy Spirit of God. Otherwise he is NOT Christ's -- NOT a Christian.
False Conversion
Millions may profess to be Christians, but unless God's Holy Spirit, given as HIS GIFT by GRACE, is at the moment, dwelling in them, they are NOT CHRISTIANS.
Millions may have their names written in Church membership books, and still be "NONE OF HIS" -- not really CHRISTIANS at all! And millions are so deceived (Rev. 12:9).
So UNDERSTAND THIS! A person is a Christian -- in God's sight -- ONLY while God's Holy Spirit is dwelling IN him. Not before! Not after!
So a truly converted person has received (and currently has) God's Holy Spirit dwelling within him. But, there is yet quite a bit more to understanding what constitutes real conversion.
Real Conversion
There is a sense in which true conversion does take place at a definite time -- all at once. But it is also true that in another sense conversion is worked out gradually -- a process of development and growth.
Now NOTICE carefully!
WHEN does one really become a Christian? It is when he receives God's Holy Spirit. In Romans 8:9, we read that unless we have the Holy Spirit, we are not Christ's -- not Christians.
There is a definite TIME when God's Spirit enters into one. At the very moment he receives the Holy Spirit, he is, in this first sense, converted. Yes, all at once! If he has Christ's Spirit, he is CHRIST'S -- he is a Christian! The very Life of God has entered into (impregnated) him. He has been begotten as a child of God.
But does that mean his salvation is complete? Is he now fully and finally "saved"? Is that all there is to it? Is he now, suddenly, perfect? Is it now impossible for him to do WRONG?
No! FAR FROM IT! BUT WHY? What's the answer? Why do so many MISunderstand?
Why does almost NOBODY understand the very PURPOSE of the Christian life?
The Purpose of the Christian Life
WHY do people not understand the very Gospel Jesus Christ taught? He taught the KINGDOM OF GOD. So did the apostles, including Paul. Jesus spoke mostly in parables. Take a quick look at one or two. Notice what Jesus revealed. Notice the awe-inspiring TREMENDOUS potential that is ours.
Take the parable of the nobleman going to a far country, later to return. It is in Luke 19:11-27. Jesus is the Nobleman. He was going to a far country -- to the heaven of God's throne, seat of the government of the entire universe. He spoke this parable because His disciples thought the Kingdom of God should appear immediately. So far more than 1900 years have gone by, and the Kingdom of God has not yet appeared.
So He called, in the parable, his ten servants, and He gave them ten pounds -- a pound each, using, in our English language translation, the English unit of money. This is symbolic of one unit of SPIRITUAL VALUE with which each was started out. In other words, representative of the portion of God's Holy Spirit which was given to each on initial conversion.
But His citizens hated Him. They rejected Him as their RULER. They said, "We will not have this man to REIGN OVER us. The Kingdom of God is a RULING GOVERNMENT. They, as of then, received no conversion -- no "pounds." (They shall yet find conversion, as many, many passages of Scripture affirm).
Now the reason for His going to heaven was to "receive for himself a KINGDOM, and to return." That is, He was going to the throne of the Government of the entire universe where God Almighty, the Father, sits, to have conferred on Him the RULERSHIP OF THE WORLD. The coronation ceremony will take place in heaven, at the throne of UNIVERSE RULE. When He returns He will be crowned with MANY CROWNS (Rev. 19:12). He is coming to RULE ALL NATIONS with almighty divine POWER (verse 15).
Back to Luke 19. On his return, his servants, to whom he had given the money -- that is, the beginning unit of GOD'S SPIRIT at conversion -- are to be called to an accounting, "that he might know how much each man had GAINED" while he was gone. This means each Christian is expected to GROW spiritually -- in spiritual KNOWLEDGE and grace (see II Peter 3:18). The Christian life is a life of spiritual GOING TO SCHOOL -- of training for a POSITION IN GOD'S KINGDOM, when and after we shall be changed from mortal to immortal -- when we shall be no longer flesh-and-blood humans, but composed of SPIRIT, with eternal life inherent.
In the parable, the first came to report he had multiplied what he had been given TEN TIMES. You see, the receiving of God's Spirit is GOD'S GIFT -- that is what God does -- it comes by GRACE, as a gift. WE CAN'T EARN IT. But all through the New Testament it is made plain we shall be REWARDED according to OUR WORKS. Not SAVED by works we have done. This man had, by his own application, multiplied his spiritual gift ten times -- his one pound was now ten pounds. He received a greater REWARD than the one who gained five pounds.
The nobleman (Christ) said to him, "Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in very little, have thou AUTHORITY over TEN CITIES.
He had qualified to RULE. He had been obedient to God's commands -- God's government. We have to BE RULED before we can learn to RULE.
The second servant had increased his spiritual stock of goods five times. He had qualified, in this life, for HALF as much as the first servant. He was given HALF the REWARD.
The Kingdom of God
So the parable of the pounds shows Christians are to RULE under Christ, when the Kingdom of God is set up. Jesus was speaking of GOVERNMENT -- world government. This parable was given to show that the Kingdom of God was not to appear at that time. The Kingdom is not an ethereal, sentimental something "in our hearts." It is not the Church.
Daniel's prophecy shows that the SAINTS are to RULE, under Christ the Messiah, when he sets up literal WORLD GOVERNMENT. See Daniel 2 -- read it through and then notice verse 44. This Kingdom will break in pieces every other form of government -- all rule of man -- and will stand forever. Notice Daniel 7: And especially verses 18 and 22. It will be an earthly kingdom -- not in heaven, but "UNDER the whole heaven," verse 27.
Jesus said: "And he that overcometh, and keepeth MY WORKS unto the end, to him will I give POWER over the nations: and he shall RULE THEM with a rod of iron (Rev. 2:26-27).
He said, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne. even as I also overcame, and am set down with my father in his throne" (Rev. 3:21). When Jesus said this, through John in the 90's A.D., He was in heaven with His Father on the throne from which the entire universe is governed.
When Jesus sits on His own throne on this earth it will be the throne of David, in Jerusalem. Notice what is said of Jesus: "He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall REIGN over the House of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end" (Luke 1:32-33).
But He was not going to set up the world government of the Kingdom of God at that time. The Bible speaks of three worlds -- or ages -- in time order. First, the world that then was, overflowed with water -- prior to the flood; second, this present evil world; and third the world to come. On trial for His life before Pilate, Jesus said He was born to be a king (John 18:37), but that His kingdom was not of this world. He will rule THE WORLD TOMORROW (verse 36).
The saints (Spirit-led Christians) are to reign, under Christ, "ON THE EARTH" (Rev. 5:10), for a thousand years (Rev. 20:4, 6).
WHY has the whole world been deceived with a false gospel (Rev. 12:9)? WHY have they been deceived into belief in a counterfeit Kingdom of God? (Request our free booklets "What Is the True Gospel?" and "Just What Do You Mean -- the Kingdom of God?").
Look again at the many parables of Jesus. They teach the Kingdom of God. They make plain the fact the Kingdom of God is the WORLD GOVERNMENT soon, now, to be set up by Christ, coming in ALL POWER and GLORY, to bring us world peace, abundance, happiness and joy.
The purpose of the Christian life is to train future KINGS to rule with and under Christ. How then, does one become a Christian? When? And WHY IS salvation a PROCESS, as well as an initial phase when he becomes a Christian instantaneously?
Here is the PLAIN TRUTH YOU need to know.
Real Repentance
I repeat: "A Christian (a truly converted person) is one who has received, and in whose mind dwells the Holy Spirit of God."
But how does one receive the Spirit of God?
On the day the Church of God was started, the Apostle Peter said, "Repent, and be baptized ... in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38).
Repent of what? Of sin. And what is sin? "Sin is the transgression of the law" (I John 3:4). What law? The law that the carnal mind, hostile to God, is not subject to -- the Law of God (Rom. 8:7). Again, we read of "the Holy Spirit, whom God hath given to them that obey him" (Acts 5:32).
These are the two conditions to receiving God's GIFT of the Holy Spirit: Repentance and Faith. Being baptized is the outward manifestation of the inner faith in Christ. Repentance is not merely being sorry for something one has done -- or even many such sins. It is real repentance of what one is and has been -- of his whole past attitude and life apart from God. It is a total change of mind and heart and direction of life. It is a change to a new WAY OF LIFE. It is a turning from the self-centered way of vanity, selfishness, greed; hostility to authority, envy, jealousy and unconcern for the good and welfare of others to the God-centered WAY of obedience, submission to authority, love toward God more than love of self and of love and concern for other humans equal to self-concern.
LOVE is the fulfilling of God's Law (Rom. 13:10) -- but God's Law is a spiritual law (Rom. 7:14) and can be fulfilled only by "the love of God, shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit" (Rom. 5:5).
The Holy Spirit will open one's mind to UNDERSTAND God's instruction on how to live, but it will not force one to live God's way -- it will not pull or push one. Each Christian must take his own initiative, though God's Spirit will give him help, faith and power. But it is "as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" (Rom. 8:14).
Real Christian Conversion
The two above-mentioned conditions to becoming a Christian -- REPENTANCE and FAITH -- we ourselves must perform.
But these do not make us Christians -- do not convert us. It is what GOD does -- giving His Holy Spirit by His grace as His free gift -- that converts us.
Our repentance and faith do not earn the receiving of God's Spirit. God does not give us His Spirit because we repent and believe. He gives His Spirit because He wants to give it. He wants us to have His Spirit as His gift before we repent. He merely requires repentance and faith as conditions.
Yet no one can, of himself, say: "Oh now, I see -- I must repent. All right, I hereby repent." One does not just decide casually, as a matter of routine, to repent. WHY?
Jesus Christ said that none can come to Him, except the Spirit of the Father draw him (John 6:44, 65). God grants repentance (Rom. 2:4). God calls one, and convicts the mind and conscience by His Spirit, working on the mind externally. Usually a real struggle goes on within. The person has been shaken to know he has done wrong -- that he is wrong -- he has sinned -- he is a sinner! He is brought to real REPENTANCE, not only for what he has done, but for what he now sees that he is. It is not easy. The self never wants to die. To repent is to make an unconditional surrender to God -- to obey His Law!
Yet he, himself, must make the decision. If he does repent, surrender to God, and in FAITH accept Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, then, upon performance of these TWO conditions, God promises to put within him the GIFT of the Holy Spirit. This is the very life of God -- SPIRIT life. It imparts to him the very divine nature!
Then what, at that stage, has happened?
This new convert has only been begotten of God -- not yet BORN. Many who believe they are "born again" on receiving the Holy Spirit are more in error in terminology than in what happens (for a full explanation, write for our free booklet "Just What Do You Mean -- Born Again?").
This new convert has not received the full measure of God's Spirit which Christ had; he is only a spiritual babe in Christ. He must now GROW spiritually, just as a newly conceived embryo in its mother's womb must grow physically large enough to be BORN as a human.
This new convert has now REPENTED, in his mind, from the depths of his heart. HE MEANS IT, too! In all sincerity, in his mind and heart, he has turned around to go the other way -- to live a different life. He is now a CHRISTIAN -- he has received God's Holy Spirit. He has been converted, He is a Christian. He really wants to do what is right -- to obey God -- to live GOD'S WAY.
What If a Christian Sins?
So a Christian convert, then, is one who has received God's Spirit, which is dwelling in him, leading him, and he is following GOD'S WAY of life. A converted Christian has forsaken his former habitual way of life -- his selfish way unconcerned with God. Now he lives in the habitual way of God's WORD -- in the light of the Word of God.
But suppose, like an 8- or 10-month-old baby trying to learn to walk, as he "walks" this NEW WAY, he stumbles, "falls down," as it were, and SINS. Is he then condemned lost -- no longer a Christian?
I would like you, now, to notice, and UNDERSTAND, what the Apostle John was inspired to write for our admonition. It is in the first letter (epistle) of John:
Speaking of Christ, in his opening salutation, as "That which was from the beginning ... which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us; that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ" (I John 1:1-3).
The true Christian has been reconciled to God through Christ. And, having God's Spirit, he enjoys actual fellowship with the Father and the Son Jesus Christ. And even his fellowship with fellow-Christians is through God and Christ. He is joined to them, as the different branches are joined to a grape vine and joined together through and by the vine. Compare Jesus' analogy in John 15:1-7. Christians, then, are actually walking with Christ -- and two cannot walk together except they be in agreement (Amos 3:3).
Now continue in I John: "This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not [are not doing] the truth" (verses 5-6). That is, He -- the living Christ -- is walking in the light -- as if on a brilliantly lighted path. But if we are walking in darkness, we are walking on a different path altogether, where it is dark. Therefore we are not walking with Him at all, and if we say we are, we are lying.
But suppose, while walking with Him -- in the light -- one of us stumbles and falls down. This is not a case of having turned away from Him and the path He is treading, to a different and darkened path. If we say, "Oh I'm sorry," would He not give us a hand and help us get up and continue on the lighted path with Him? Would He become angry and say, "Get off my path -- go walk down a darkened path"?
In still other words, the true Christian has turned from his former life of habitual sin -- and from his former attitude of selfishness, and self-seeking when he had no serious intention of living God's way. But now he has turned from his former way. His life, in general, now, is the habitual way of the Christian life.
But he is not perfect the minute he is converted and receives God's Spirit. He must GROW spiritually, in grace and knowledge of Christ, as Peter writes in II Peter 3:18. He is the creature of habit, and all old former habits do not just automatically leave him without any effort on his part to overcome them. He must learn to overcome sin. It is inevitable that he may be caught off guard and make a mistake. So continue in I John 1:
"But if we walk in the light" -- that is, even though we may stumble occasionally, it is now only the occasional slip -- not a turning our back on God's WAY -- not a turning back to the habitual and constant way of sin.
Do you begin to UNDERSTAND the difference? The true Christian intends to live God's WAY. He wants to live God's way. He tries to live God's way. And, in general, it now actually is his habitual NEW WAY of life. The occasional slip, or sin, does not mean that in his mind and heart he has rejected God and God's WAY. Continue:
" ... As He is in the light" -- if that is now our goal and purpose and habitual way of life -- then "we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us [us who are now Christians] from all sin. If we [Christians] say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us" (verses 7-8).
If we, now Christians, say that we are already perfect -- that we never slip up and make a mistake or commit a sin, we are deceiving ourselves. I knew a woman who deceived herself in this way. She claimed to be above sin -- claimed she never sinned. And although she was what most people would call a good woman, she actually was committing the biggest sin of all -- spiritual pride and vanity! She gloried in her "sinless" state. She lacked Christian humility.
But if, while walking down this lighted path with God, one stumbles and falls down, does God kick him aside?
Verse 9: "If we [we who are Christians -- it is not talking about the unconverted] confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
So notice the "IF." "If we confess our sins." When we stumble, we must admit it -- we must repent of it -- we must ask forgiveness. If we deny it, or blame it on somebody else, we shall not be forgiven. We must confess it -- to God!
"If we say that we [as Christians] have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." The context continues right on into the second chapter: "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not." In other words, we should not sin -- we must strive to avoid any sin. God gives us no license to sin. But, " ... if any man sin, we [we Christians] have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our sins [those of us who are Christians]: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world" (chapter 2:1-3). But, of course He is the propitiation for the sins of the unconverted in the world only when they come to real repentance, and faith in Christ.
Real Conversion -- A Process
Because many do not correctly understand the whole above-mentioned process, they become discouraged. And some even give up even trying to live a Christian life. And why? Because of the false notion that a Christian is one who becomes PERFECT at one fell swoop, or that one cannot become a Christian until he has broken all wrong habits, and made himself righteous.
It's vital to UNDERSTAND how true Christianity REALLY works!
The newly begotten Christian must grow up, spiritually. What would you think of a human baby, who became 6 feet tall all at once, without growing up? The growing up process requires TIME. There is an instant when a person receives the impregnating Holy Spirit of God -- when he first becomes a Christian. But he is only a spiritual infant. He must grow up spiritually.
The newly converted person, in his mind and heart, sincerely has ABOUT-FACED! He has actually gained contact with GOD, and received God's Holy Spirit. God's own divine NATURE has now been conceived within him. BUT THAT'S ALL: It is merely conceived -- not yet full grown! He is still human -- mortal -- flesh and blood. He is still composed of matter, not Spirit.
Understand this!
For nearly 6,000 years, humanity has been going in the WAY OF pride and vanity, selfishness and greed, a lack of outgoing concern for others -- the spirit of competition, opposition, strife, effort to acquire, and to exalt the self. Humans have been filled with self-gratification, jealousy, envy, resentment toward others, a spirit of rebellion against authority and hostility toward God and the Law of God.
The Christian must overcome these tendencies.
The Christian must develop the righteous CHARACTER to choose the right way, and resist the wrong -- to discipline the self in the way he ought to go, instead of the way of self-desire and vanity.
Perfect Character
God's PURPOSE in having created humanity -- in having caused YOU to be born -- is to reproduce Himself. (Write for our free booklet "Why Were You Born?")
God, above all things, is PERFECT, RIGHTEOUS Character! God is able to create character within us; but it must be done as a result of our independent free choice. We, as individual separate entities, have our part in the process.
What is perfect character? It is the ability, in a separate entity with free moral agency, to come to the KNOWLEDGE of the right from the wrong -- the true from the false -- and to CHOOSE the right, and possess the WILL to enforce self-discipline to DO the right and resist the wrong.
Like muscle, character is developed, and grows by exercise. My name is Armstrong. I suppose I could make my arm slightly stronger, and develop the muscle, by constantly bending it back and forth at the elbow. But if I pull, or push, against some heavy weight or resistance, the muscle will develop much faster. There is within us this NATURE that exerts a heavy pull against that perfect righteous character -- to give us something to strive against for the VERY PURPOSE OF STRENGTHENING AND DEVELOPING RIGHT CHARACTER!
God's CHARACTER travels in the direction of His Law -- the way of LOVE. It is an outgoing CONCERN for others. God has that character! He has an outgoing concern for you and for me. He GAVE His only begotten Son to reconcile us to Him and make the JOYS of His character and everlasting life possible for us (John 3:16). He showers on us every good and precious gift. He even puts within us HIS DIVINE NATURE (II Peter 1:4) -- when we repent and turn from the WRONG ways of THIS WORLD, begin to resist it, and turn TO Him through faith in Jesus Christ as personal Saviour!
God's divine nature is the nature of love -- of giving, serving, helping -- of outgoing concern. It is also the nature of humility.
Now when one is converted -- has repented, and turned from this world's false WAYS -- has at once received God's Holy Spirit -- his humanity -- his HUMAN nature does not flee. It too, remains. It still exerts a pull. We still live in THIS PRESENT EVIL WORLD, and it exerts a pull. God still allows Satan to be around; and HE exerts a pull.
So we now have THREE PULLS to RESIST -- to OVERCOME! We must now overcome these three: Satan, this world, and our own SELVES. We have to battle against these three, in order to develop and strengthen RIGHT CHARACTER within us. God says plainly it is THE OVERCOMERS who shall be saved -- who shall REIGN with Christ! (Rev. 2:26-27; 3:21; 21:7.)
God's Help
No human being is strong enough to do this BY HIMSELF! He must seek, and IN FAITH receive, the help and power of GOD. Even with God's power he will not overcome such forces easily or all at once. IT IS NOT EASY! Christ plainly said the way to ultimate salvation is hard, difficult (Matt. 7:13, 14). It's a constant BATTLE -- a struggle against self, the world, and the devil. The creation of CHARACTER comes through EXPERIENCE. It takes TIME!
This development is a PROCESS. It is a matter of GROWTH -- DEVELOPMENT. It requires, to become PERFECT, full and right KNOWLEDGE of the very Word of God; because Jesus taught that we must live by EVERY WORD OF GOD (Matt. 4:4; Luke 4:4).
The natural, unconverted mind cannot fully and rightly UNDERSTAND the Scriptures of God. But the Holy Spirit opens the mind to this spiritual comprehension. The acquisition of this KNOWLEDGE, in itself, is a procedure requiring TIME. It is the DOERS of this Word, not hearers only, who shall be saved (Romans 2:13).
But can any man DO, immediately and all at once, this new WAY he now learns about? Can any man, all at once, break all HABITS he now sees are wrong? No, he finds he has a FIGHT against acquired former habits.
He still has this PULL of human nature to overcome. This nature is A LAW working within him -- produced by the broadcasting of Satan the devil -- the Prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2). This whole world is in tune with the very mind of the devil (Rev. 12:9).
The Apostle Paul calls this pull of human nature the law of sin and death.
Paul was converted. Paul was a real Christian. He had repented, accepted Christ, and received the Holy Spirit. With his MIND, he wanted with all his heart, and in real intense sincerity, to DO God's WAY! But did Paul DO it perfectly?
Let him tell. LISTEN!
Paul's Experience
"For we know that the Law is spiritual," he wrote, "but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I .... Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me." He is speaking of human nature within him. He continues, " ... for to WILL is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do .... For I delight in the Law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members" (Romans 7:14-23).
The law of his mind is the Law of God -- the Ten Commandments. The law "in his members" is human nature. Then Paul cries out. " ... O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? ..." Then he thanks God -- that GOD WILL -- through Jesus Christ, and by the power of His HOLY SPIRIT. BUT IT TAKES TIME!
The truly converted Christian will find that he often stumbles, under temptation, and falls down -- even as a physical child learning to walk often falls down. But the year-old child does not get discouraged and give up. He gets up and starts out again.
GOD LOOKS ON THE HEART -- the inner MOTIVE -- the real intent! If he is trying -- if he gets up whenever he falls down, and in repentance asks God's forgiveness, and sets out to do his very best NOT TO MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN -- and to persevere with renewed effort to OVERCOME, God is rich in mercy toward that man in his striving to overcome.
I think it should be apparent by now that the newly converted Christian is not PERFECT all at once. He does not -- must not -- commit sin deliberately and willfully in a spirit and attitude of rebellion. That's what he has repented of! He wants to live completely above sin. But to live perfectly would require all spiritual KNOWLEDGE. He would have to live by EVERY WORD of the Bible. The Holy Spirit imparts spiritual perception so he can UNDERSTAND the Bible. And to understand all the Bible TAKES TIME. We have to GROW into the KNOWLEDGE of HOW to live perfectly without sin.
A Christian may, from force of habit, or under weakness and temptation, sin. But if he is a Christian, he is immediately repentant, and on this repentance Christ's sacrifice cleanses his sin (I John 1:7-9).
Converted people often are under heavier temptation than before conversion. They are STRIVING against sin, STRIVING to overcome. But they are not yet perfect. Sometimes they are caught off guard. They may actually sin. Then they WAKE UP, as it were, and realize what they have done. They REPENT. They are filled with remorse -- truly sorry -- disgusted with themselves. They go to GOD, and CRY OUT for HELP -- for more power and strength from God to OVERCOME (Hebrews 4:16).
This is the WAY of the Christian!
It is the way of a constant BATTLE -- a striving against SIN -- a seeking God in earnest prayer for help and spiritual POWER to overcome. And if they are diligent, they are constantly GAINING GROUND. They are constantly GROWING in God's KNOWLEDGE, from the BIBLE. They are constantly rooting out wrong habits, driving themselves into RIGHT habits. They are constantly growing closer to GOD through Bible study and prayer. They are constantly growing in CHARACTER, toward perfection, even though not yet perfect.
What If One Dies?
But, someone may ask, what if one's life is cut off, and he dies before he has attained this perfection? Is he saved, or lost? The answer is that we shall never obtain absolute perfection in this life.
I said, earlier, that a person who is converted does receive the Holy Spirit at a definite time -- all at once! Not the full measure Christ had -- he is not at once full grown spiritually -- only a spiritual babe in Christ. Yet he is then a changed, converted person -- changed in mind, in attitude, in the direction he has set himself to travel. Even though he has not yet reached perfection -- even though he may have stumbled under temptation, and taken a spiritual fall -- as long as, in his mind and heart, he is earnestly striving to travel GOD'S WAY, to overcome and grow spiritually -- as long as God's Spirit is in him -- as long as he is being LED BY the Spirit of God, he is a begotten SON OF GOD.
If, anywhere along this life's journey, that life is cut short, such a man will be resurrected -- saved -- immortal in God's Kingdom.
Never Give Up and Quit
It is only the one who QUITS and GIVES UP (Hebrews 10:38) -- who REJECTS God, and God's WAY, and rejects Christ as his Saviour -- who neglects or turns FROM this direction of GOD'S WAY, in his mind and heart (in his inner INTENT) who deliberately and intentionally in his mind -- or, from continued neglect -- TURNS FROM Christ -- who is lost.
If, once having been converted, having received God's Spirit, and TASTED of the joys of GOD'S WAY, one deliberately rejects that way, makes the DECISION, not under stress of temptation, but deliberately and finally, NOT to go God's way, then God says it is IMPOSSIBLE to renew such a one to repentance. He would have to REPENT of that decision. But if he WILLFULLY made it, not in a time of temptation, but calmly, deliberately, willfully, then he just WILL NOT ever repent of it. But anyone who FEARS he may have committed the "unpardonable sin" -- is perhaps worried about it, and HOPES he has not committed it, and still wants to have God's salvation -- no such individual has committed it -- such a one MAY repent, and go right on to salvation IF HE WANTS to!
(If you would like a booklet that thoroughly expounds and explains all about "the unpardonable sin," write for our free publication on the subject. Its thought-provoking title is "What Do You Mean -- "The Unpardonable Sin"?" It will make the truth plain.)
What To Do?
If you see a Christian do something wrong, DON'T SIT IN JUDGMENT AND CONDEMN -- that's God's business to judge, not yours! Let's have compassion and mercy -- WE don't know the inner heart of others -- only GOD does!
And if you, yourself, have stumbled and fallen down, DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! Get up and press on ahead!
God looks on the heart -- the attitude -- the intent.
As long as one, in his heart, has the real desire to walk God's WAY with Him -- is deeply sorry and repents when he commits the occasional sin -- and is seeking to overcome sin, and to make God's way his habitual way of life, he will stumble on occasion, but if he confesses it and repents, he will be forgiven. But, if he is diligent in his Christian life, his occasional stumbling will become less and less -- he will be making good progress, overcoming, GROWING spiritually and in righteous godly character.
What is your attitude? When you have sinned, have you been carelessly indifferent about it? You are on dangerous ground. Do you justify it, feel others are to blame? That will never justify your sins. Do you still desire to go God's Way? Then it's not too late. Turn from sins, CONFESS your sins -- to God. REPENT! Pick yourself up, with Christ's helping hand, and go on overcoming and GROWING spiritually.
(And if you are one who has NEVER really repented, been baptized and received God's Holy Spirit -- and yet earnestly desire to -- you may want to get in contact with one of God's true ministers. See page 25 for details.)
But remember, once you know you have really repented and been forgiven, don't repeat the sin(s), but FORGET it. As the Apostle Paul wrote, FORGETTING those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 3:13-14).
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Princess Diana
Her Royal Highness,
Princess of Wales,
Princess Diana,
Buckingham Palace,
London, England
June 6, 1987
Dear Princess Diana,
This letter was prompted by an issue of People magazine.
Actually that particular article was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Some years ago I had an impressive dream. During the dream you, Prince Charles and myself were engaged in an intense talk. We were sitting around though quite relaxed, comfortable amongst each other (at east as if we'd known each other for years as good friends), in an enclosed patio or spring porch - a garden atmosphere. I recall you did most of the talking -- pouring out your heart to me -- as Prince Charles sort of quietly listened. Perhaps it's because we're closer in age. I'm 27. As I began to awaken from the dream I became upset with how foolish to imagine the Royalty of Wales taking me into their confidence. I kneeled for morning prayer and asked God to rebuke such presumptuous thoughts, but asked if there were any significance to the dream that a chart I had ("The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race") loaned out months earlier be returned at Sabbath services that day.
Lo and behold, the chart was returned that day! Rather convenient, since when I arrived home I had received a memo in the mail from our local newspaper. I had submitted a question to them whether the present British Royal Family were aware of their unique Davidic ancestry -- the remarkable continuation of King David's dynasty. I felt my question could be answered while also cleverly bringing this royal fact to greater public attention if published. An unexpected turn of events occurred though! The newspaper related: "If you send us a copy of the information on King David and his relationship to the English Royal Family, plus a verification that such information has been validated and by whom, we will see to it that it gets to Buckingham Palace and that your name will accompany it." Immediately I wondered what to send to satisfy the newspaper. The chart seemed obvious, but I still sought counsel from my minister. He advised writing a Church official at our Headquarter's in Pasadena, California who is English and involved with our Media Coordinator. The Church official replied: "I believe the most prudent course of action would be to send the chart 'The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race' to the newspaper for their further action."
I sent the information to the newspaper and they sent it to Buckingham Palace. They also cautioned me not to hold my breath for any response, which was good since I haven't heard a word yet.
Several years later, during my volunteer service at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan in Northern Israel, a Holocaust survivor (whom I adopted as my "kibbutz mother") mentioned hearing about some royal marital problems. I dismissed it as gossip from some tabloid trash -- but then immediately I recalled the dream where you were pouring out your heart to me about something. So I thought perhaps there's something to all these godless rumors, but all marriages have their ups and downs.
Since then I've heard too many royal rumors & sovereign stories about differences in your marriage. The latest People article prompted me to write you and sincerely offer my continued support for you and your lovely family. My heart goes out to you all with deep affection.
Love & Prayers,
David A. Hoover
Perrysburg, Ohio
On official stationery from Buckingham Palace:
From Lady-in-Waiting to H.R.H. The Princess of Wales
12th June 1987
Dear Mr. Hoover,
The Princess of Wales has asked me to thank you for your letter.
Her Royal Highness was most grateful to you for your kind thought in writing and has asked me to send her sincere thanks and best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Sarah Campden
Note: David A. Hoover is my former name. I've since legally changed it to David Ben-Ariel, as related within God-given Names.
Memo from Zip Line (The Blade) was received November 7, 1981.
My letter to Robert Fahey of the Worldwide Church of God at headquarters in Pasadena, California was sent November 8, 1981.
The Worldwide Church of God Media Coordinator, David Hulme, responded in an official letter dated December 7, 1981 with advice about sending the chart "The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race" and comment -- "Thank you for writing, in what is a very interesting and unusual circumstance."
As advised, I sent the chart "The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race" to Zip Line December 12, 1981. (The chart had been given to me by an English couple in Jerusalem the year before during our Feast of Tabernacles celebration).
THE QUEEN'S ROYAL DESCENT FROM KING DAVID THE PSALMIST (similar to "The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race")
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
Joseph Isn't Jewish!
Origin of Nations
German-American Israelites?
The Plain Truth About the "Lost Ten Tribes" and Why You Need to Know!
Brit Am Israel
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
Princess of Wales,
Princess Diana,
Buckingham Palace,
London, England
June 6, 1987
Dear Princess Diana,
This letter was prompted by an issue of People magazine.
Actually that particular article was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Some years ago I had an impressive dream. During the dream you, Prince Charles and myself were engaged in an intense talk. We were sitting around though quite relaxed, comfortable amongst each other (at east as if we'd known each other for years as good friends), in an enclosed patio or spring porch - a garden atmosphere. I recall you did most of the talking -- pouring out your heart to me -- as Prince Charles sort of quietly listened. Perhaps it's because we're closer in age. I'm 27. As I began to awaken from the dream I became upset with how foolish to imagine the Royalty of Wales taking me into their confidence. I kneeled for morning prayer and asked God to rebuke such presumptuous thoughts, but asked if there were any significance to the dream that a chart I had ("The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race") loaned out months earlier be returned at Sabbath services that day.
Lo and behold, the chart was returned that day! Rather convenient, since when I arrived home I had received a memo in the mail from our local newspaper. I had submitted a question to them whether the present British Royal Family were aware of their unique Davidic ancestry -- the remarkable continuation of King David's dynasty. I felt my question could be answered while also cleverly bringing this royal fact to greater public attention if published. An unexpected turn of events occurred though! The newspaper related: "If you send us a copy of the information on King David and his relationship to the English Royal Family, plus a verification that such information has been validated and by whom, we will see to it that it gets to Buckingham Palace and that your name will accompany it." Immediately I wondered what to send to satisfy the newspaper. The chart seemed obvious, but I still sought counsel from my minister. He advised writing a Church official at our Headquarter's in Pasadena, California who is English and involved with our Media Coordinator. The Church official replied: "I believe the most prudent course of action would be to send the chart 'The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race' to the newspaper for their further action."
I sent the information to the newspaper and they sent it to Buckingham Palace. They also cautioned me not to hold my breath for any response, which was good since I haven't heard a word yet.
Several years later, during my volunteer service at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan in Northern Israel, a Holocaust survivor (whom I adopted as my "kibbutz mother") mentioned hearing about some royal marital problems. I dismissed it as gossip from some tabloid trash -- but then immediately I recalled the dream where you were pouring out your heart to me about something. So I thought perhaps there's something to all these godless rumors, but all marriages have their ups and downs.
Since then I've heard too many royal rumors & sovereign stories about differences in your marriage. The latest People article prompted me to write you and sincerely offer my continued support for you and your lovely family. My heart goes out to you all with deep affection.
Love & Prayers,
David A. Hoover
Perrysburg, Ohio
On official stationery from Buckingham Palace:
From Lady-in-Waiting to H.R.H. The Princess of Wales
12th June 1987
Dear Mr. Hoover,
The Princess of Wales has asked me to thank you for your letter.
Her Royal Highness was most grateful to you for your kind thought in writing and has asked me to send her sincere thanks and best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Sarah Campden
Note: David A. Hoover is my former name. I've since legally changed it to David Ben-Ariel, as related within God-given Names.
Memo from Zip Line (The Blade) was received November 7, 1981.
My letter to Robert Fahey of the Worldwide Church of God at headquarters in Pasadena, California was sent November 8, 1981.
The Worldwide Church of God Media Coordinator, David Hulme, responded in an official letter dated December 7, 1981 with advice about sending the chart "The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race" and comment -- "Thank you for writing, in what is a very interesting and unusual circumstance."
As advised, I sent the chart "The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race" to Zip Line December 12, 1981. (The chart had been given to me by an English couple in Jerusalem the year before during our Feast of Tabernacles celebration).
THE QUEEN'S ROYAL DESCENT FROM KING DAVID THE PSALMIST (similar to "The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race")
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
Joseph Isn't Jewish!
Origin of Nations
German-American Israelites?
The Plain Truth About the "Lost Ten Tribes" and Why You Need to Know!
Brit Am Israel
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
Amazing Grace!
"Except for the grace of God, there go I..."
I reckon there are Christians who struggle with every sin under the sun, but as long as we keep on going to the Throne of Grace for pardon and power, we're overcoming by continuing in our conversion process and will be perfected at the First Resurrection!
Fighting Spiritual Depression
Come Lord Yeshua!
I reckon there are Christians who struggle with every sin under the sun, but as long as we keep on going to the Throne of Grace for pardon and power, we're overcoming by continuing in our conversion process and will be perfected at the First Resurrection!
Fighting Spiritual Depression
Come Lord Yeshua!
Is there a King or Queen still sitting on the Throne of Judah?...
A. B. Grimaldi: THE possible descent of Queen Victoria from King David was first entered upon in the present day by Rev. F. R A. Glover, M.A. ("England the Remnant of Judah." London, 1861). He did not, however, attempt to give the genealogy link by link, nor enter into the proofs in detail. Since then the whole subject of Her Majesty's Jewish ancestry has been further examined by various students and writers on our Israelitish origin. Mr. J. C. Stephens has compiled a "Genealogical Chart, shewing the Connection between the House of David and the Royal Family of Britain." (Liverpool, 1877.) This gives the descent from Abraham to Zedekiah in full, as found in Matthew. It then gives twelve generations only between Heremon, B.C. 580, and Victoria, A.D. 1819, thus, of course, omitting a great number of links. The descent of our Royal Family from the royal line of Judah is, however, no new discovery. The Saxon kings traced themselves back to Odin, who was traced back to his descent from David, as may be seen in a very ancient MS. in the Herald's College, London; and in Sharon Turner. ("History of the Anglo-Saxons," vol. i.) The full and complete genealogy of Victoria from David does not appear to have been ever printed; and it has, therefore, been thought that it would be useful, as well as interesting, to put it on record, both for reference and testimony. In its compilation reliable works of reference have been used - such as Anderson ("Royal Genealogies." London, 1732). Keating ("History of Ireland." Dublin, 1723), Lavoisne ("Genealogical and Historical Atlas." London, 1814), as well as those mentioned above, and others. Perfect accuracy is hardly to be expected in such an attempt; but it is believed that the genealogy is as correct as our present knowledge of this obscure and intricate subject will permit.
In the following genealogy those who reigned have K prefixed to their names. The dates after private names refer to their birth and death; those after Sovereign's names, to their accession and death. Wherever known, the wives have been mentioned. Besides those mentioned in Genesis, some have been obtained from Polano ("The Talmud." London, 1877). b. and d. stand for born and died.
1. Adam (B.C. 4000-3070), Eve.
2. Seth (B.C. 3870-2978).
3. Enos (B.C. 3765-2860).
4. Cainan (B.C. 3675-2765).
5. Mahalaleel (B.C. 3605-2710).
6. Jared (B.C. 3540-2578).
7. Enoch (B.C. 3378-3013).
8. Methuselah (B.C. 3313-2344).
9. Lamech (B.C. 3126-2344).
10. Noah (B.C. 2944-2006), Naamah,
11. Shem (B.C. 2442-2158).
12. Arphaxad (B.C. 2342-1904).
13. Salah (B.C. 2307-2126).
14. Heber (B.C. 2277-2187).
15. Peleg (B.C. 2243-2004).
16. Reu (B.C. 2213-2026).
17. Serug (B.C. 2181-2049).
18. Nahor (B.C. 2052-2003).
19. Terah (B.C. 2122-2083), Amtheta.
20. Abraham (B.C. 1992-1817), Sarah.
21. Isaac (R.C. 1896-1716), Rebekah.
22. Jacob (B.C. 1837-1690), Leah.
23. Judah (b. B.C. 1753), Tamar.
24. Hezron.
25. Aram
26. Aminadab.
27. Naashon.
28. Salmon.
29. Boaz (B.C. 1812), Ruth.
30. Obed.
31. Jesse.
32. K. David (B.C. 1085-1015), Bathsheba.
33. K. Solomon (B.C. 1033-975), Naamah.
34. K. Rehoboam (B.C. b. 1016, d. 958), Maacah.
35. K. Abijam (B.C. 958-955).
36. K. Asa (BC. 955-914), Azubah.
37. K. Jehoshaphat (B.C. 914-889).
38. K. Jehoram (B.C. 889-885), Athaliah.
39. K. Ahaziah (B.C. 906-884), Zibiah.
40. K. Joash (B.C. 885-839), Jehoaddan.
41. K. Amaziah (B.C. b. 864, d. 810), Jecholiah.
42. K. Uzziah (B.C. b. 826, d. 758), Jerushah.
43. K. Jotham (B.C. b. 783, d. 742).
44. K. Ahaz (B.C. b. 787, d. 726), Abi.
45. K. Hezekiah (B.C. b. 751, d. 698), Hephzibah.
46. K. Manasseh (B.C. b. 710, d. 643), Meshullemeth.
47. K. Amon (B.C. b. 621, d. 611), Jedidah.
48. K. Josiah (B.C. b. 649, d. 610), Hamutah.
49. K. Zedekiah (B.C. 578-599).
50. K. Heremon (fl. B.C. 580), Tea Tephi.
51. K. Irial Faidh (reigned 10 years).
52. K. Eithriall (reigned 20 years).
53. Follain.
54. K. Tighernmas (reigned 50 years).
55. Eanbotha.
56. Smiorguil.
57. K. Fiachadh Labhriane (reigned 24 years).
58. K. Aongus Ollmuchaidh (reigned 21 years).
59. Maoin.
60. K. Rotheachta (reigned 25 years).
61. Dein.
62. K. Siorna Saoghalach (reigned 21 years).
63. Oholla Olchaoin.
64. K. Giallebadh (reigned 9 years).
65. K. Aodhain Glas (reigned 20 years).
66. K. Simeon Breac (reigned 6 years).
67. K. Muireadach Bolgrach (reigned 4 years).
68. K. Fiachadh Tolgrach (reigned 7 years).
69. K. Duach Laidhrach (reigned 10 years).
70. Eochaidh Buaigllcrg.
71. K. Ugaine More the Great (reigned 30 years).
72. K. Cobhthach Coalbreag (reigned 30 years).
73. Meilage.
74. K. Jaran Gleofathaeb (reigned 7 years)
75. K. Coula Cruaidh Cealgach (reigned 4 years).
76. K. Oiliolla Caisfhiachach (reigned 25 years).
77. K. Eochaidh Foltleathan (reigned 11 years).
78. K. Aongus Tuirmheach Teamharch (reigned 30 years)
79. K. Eana Aighneach (reigned 28 years).
80. Labhra Suire.
81. Blathuchta.
82. Easamhuin Eamhua.
83. Roighnein Ruadh.
84. Finlogha.
85. Fian.
86. K. Eodchaidh Feidhlioch (reigned 12 years).
87. Fineamhuas.
88. K. Lughaidh Riadhdearg.
89. K. Criombthan Niadhnar (reigned 16 years).
90. Fearaidhach Fion Feachtnuigh.
91. K. Fiaebadh Fionoluidh (reigned 20 years).
92. K. Tuathal Teachtmar (reigned 50 years).
93. K. Coun Ceadchatbach (reigned 20 years).
94. K. Arb Aonflier (reigned 30 years).
95. K. Cormae Usada (reigned 40 years).
96. K. Caibre Liffeachair (reigned 27 years).
97. K. Fiachadh Sreabthuine (reigned 30 years).
98. K. Muireadhach Tireach (reigned 30 years).
99. K. Eochaidh Moigmeodhin (reigned 7 years).
100. K. Niall of the Nine Hostages.
101. Eogan.
102. K. Murireadhach.
103. Earea.
104. K. Feargus More (A.D. 487).
105. K. Dongard (d. 457).
106. K. Conran (d. 535).
107. K. Aidan (d. 604).
108. K. Eugene IV. (d. 622).
109. K. Donald IV. (d. 650).
110. Dongard.
111. K. Eugene V. (d. 692).
112. Findan.
113. K. Eugene VII (d. A.D. 721), Spondan.
114. K. Effinus (d. A.D. 761), Fergina.
115. K. Achaius (d. A.D. 819), Fergusia.
116. K. Alpin (d. A.D. 834).
117. K. Kenneth II. (d. A.D. 854).
118. K. Constantin II. (d. A.D. 874).
119. K. Donald VI. (d. A.D. 903).
120. K. Malcolm I. (d. A.D. 958).
121. K. Kenneth III. (d. A.D. 994).
122. K. Malcolm II. (d. A.D. 1033).
123. Beatrix m. Thane Albanach.
124. K. Duncan I. (d. A.D. 1040).
125. K. Malcolm III. Canmore (A.D. 1055-1093), Margaret of England.
126. K. David I. (d. A.D. 1153), Maud of Northumberland.
127. Prince Henry (d. A.D. 1152), Adama of Surrey.
128. Earl David (d. A.D. 1219), Maud of Chester.
129. Isobel m. Robert Bruce III.
130. Robert Bruce IV. m. Isobel of Gloucester.
131. Robert Bruce V. m. Martha of Carriok.
132. K. Robert I. Bruce (A.D. 1306-1329), Mary of Burke.
133. Margary Bruce m. Walter Stewart III.
134. K. Robert II (d. A.D. 1390), Euphemia of Ross (d. A.D. 1376).
135. K. Robert Ill. (d. A.D. 1406), Arabella Drummond (d. A.D. 1401)
136. K. James I (A.D. 1424-1437), Joan Beaufort.
137. K. James II. (d. A.D. 1460), Margaret of Gueldres (d. A.D. 1463).
188. K. James III. (d. A.D. 1488), Margaret of Denmark (d. A.D. 1484).
139. K. James IV. (d. A.D. 1543), Margaret of England (d. A.D. 1539).
140. K. James V. (d. A.D. 1542), Mary of Lorraine (d. A.D. 1560).
141. Q. Mary (d. A.D. 1587), Lord Henry Darnley.
142. K. James VI. and I. (A.D. 1603-1625), Ann of Denmark.
143. Princess Elizabeth (1596-1613), K. Frederick of Bohemia.
144. Princess Sophia m. Duke Ernest of Brunswick.
145. K. George I. (1698-1727), Sophia Dorothea Zelle (1667- 1726).
146. K. George II. (1727-1760), Princess Caroline of Auspach (1683-1737).
147. Prince Frederick of Wales (1707-1751), Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha.
148. K. George III. (1760-1820), Princess Sophia of Mecklenburgh Strelitz (1744-1818).
149. Duke Edward of Kent (1767-1820), Princess Victoria of Leiningen.
160. Q. Victoria (b. 1819, cr. 1838), Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg.
WE issue this Leaflet to serve the grand and valuable object of supplying a necessary link in proving the Identity of the British Nation with the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. This we have abundantly proved in the Pamphlet, entitled "Forty-Seven Identifications of the British with Lost Israel," price 6d., to be had of Messrs. S. W. Partridge & Co., and Mr. W. H.. Guest, both of Paternoster Row. But we could not be identical with Israel unless Queen Victoria was in a line with David, it being written - "Ought ye not to know that the Lord God of Israel gave the Kingdom OVER ISRAEL to David FOR EVER; to him, and to his sons, by a covenant of salt?" (2 Chron. 13:5; 21:7). We have always been able to trace David's seed to Queen Tephi, of Ireland, who was the daughter of Zedekiah : but the difficulty has been to supply a chart of the line from Queen Tephi to King Fergus, of Scotland. This we now supply, through the valuable research of the Rev. A. B. GRIMALDI, M.A., and is in itself a matter vital to the very best interests of the British Empire.
Price 2s. per 100; 16s. per 1,000.
London: ROBERT BANKS, Racquet-ct., Fleet-st., E.C.; S. W. PARTRIDGE, 9, Paternoster-row; EDWARD HINE, 6, Oxford-terrace, Ealing, Middlesex.
(This was largely reprinted in J.H. Allen, "Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright", 1902. Due to the difficulty of reading and scanning the original Grimaldi document, there are inevitable typographical errors here.)
© 2005 Origins of Nations Research Project or original author
Joseph stands before you!
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
Joseph Isn't Jewish!
Origins of Nations
German-American Israelites?
The Plain Truth About the "Lost Ten Tribes" and Why You Need to Know!
Brit Am Israel
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
A. B. Grimaldi: THE possible descent of Queen Victoria from King David was first entered upon in the present day by Rev. F. R A. Glover, M.A. ("England the Remnant of Judah." London, 1861). He did not, however, attempt to give the genealogy link by link, nor enter into the proofs in detail. Since then the whole subject of Her Majesty's Jewish ancestry has been further examined by various students and writers on our Israelitish origin. Mr. J. C. Stephens has compiled a "Genealogical Chart, shewing the Connection between the House of David and the Royal Family of Britain." (Liverpool, 1877.) This gives the descent from Abraham to Zedekiah in full, as found in Matthew. It then gives twelve generations only between Heremon, B.C. 580, and Victoria, A.D. 1819, thus, of course, omitting a great number of links. The descent of our Royal Family from the royal line of Judah is, however, no new discovery. The Saxon kings traced themselves back to Odin, who was traced back to his descent from David, as may be seen in a very ancient MS. in the Herald's College, London; and in Sharon Turner. ("History of the Anglo-Saxons," vol. i.) The full and complete genealogy of Victoria from David does not appear to have been ever printed; and it has, therefore, been thought that it would be useful, as well as interesting, to put it on record, both for reference and testimony. In its compilation reliable works of reference have been used - such as Anderson ("Royal Genealogies." London, 1732). Keating ("History of Ireland." Dublin, 1723), Lavoisne ("Genealogical and Historical Atlas." London, 1814), as well as those mentioned above, and others. Perfect accuracy is hardly to be expected in such an attempt; but it is believed that the genealogy is as correct as our present knowledge of this obscure and intricate subject will permit.
In the following genealogy those who reigned have K prefixed to their names. The dates after private names refer to their birth and death; those after Sovereign's names, to their accession and death. Wherever known, the wives have been mentioned. Besides those mentioned in Genesis, some have been obtained from Polano ("The Talmud." London, 1877). b. and d. stand for born and died.
1. Adam (B.C. 4000-3070), Eve.
2. Seth (B.C. 3870-2978).
3. Enos (B.C. 3765-2860).
4. Cainan (B.C. 3675-2765).
5. Mahalaleel (B.C. 3605-2710).
6. Jared (B.C. 3540-2578).
7. Enoch (B.C. 3378-3013).
8. Methuselah (B.C. 3313-2344).
9. Lamech (B.C. 3126-2344).
10. Noah (B.C. 2944-2006), Naamah,
11. Shem (B.C. 2442-2158).
12. Arphaxad (B.C. 2342-1904).
13. Salah (B.C. 2307-2126).
14. Heber (B.C. 2277-2187).
15. Peleg (B.C. 2243-2004).
16. Reu (B.C. 2213-2026).
17. Serug (B.C. 2181-2049).
18. Nahor (B.C. 2052-2003).
19. Terah (B.C. 2122-2083), Amtheta.
20. Abraham (B.C. 1992-1817), Sarah.
21. Isaac (R.C. 1896-1716), Rebekah.
22. Jacob (B.C. 1837-1690), Leah.
23. Judah (b. B.C. 1753), Tamar.
24. Hezron.
25. Aram
26. Aminadab.
27. Naashon.
28. Salmon.
29. Boaz (B.C. 1812), Ruth.
30. Obed.
31. Jesse.
32. K. David (B.C. 1085-1015), Bathsheba.
33. K. Solomon (B.C. 1033-975), Naamah.
34. K. Rehoboam (B.C. b. 1016, d. 958), Maacah.
35. K. Abijam (B.C. 958-955).
36. K. Asa (BC. 955-914), Azubah.
37. K. Jehoshaphat (B.C. 914-889).
38. K. Jehoram (B.C. 889-885), Athaliah.
39. K. Ahaziah (B.C. 906-884), Zibiah.
40. K. Joash (B.C. 885-839), Jehoaddan.
41. K. Amaziah (B.C. b. 864, d. 810), Jecholiah.
42. K. Uzziah (B.C. b. 826, d. 758), Jerushah.
43. K. Jotham (B.C. b. 783, d. 742).
44. K. Ahaz (B.C. b. 787, d. 726), Abi.
45. K. Hezekiah (B.C. b. 751, d. 698), Hephzibah.
46. K. Manasseh (B.C. b. 710, d. 643), Meshullemeth.
47. K. Amon (B.C. b. 621, d. 611), Jedidah.
48. K. Josiah (B.C. b. 649, d. 610), Hamutah.
49. K. Zedekiah (B.C. 578-599).
50. K. Heremon (fl. B.C. 580), Tea Tephi.
51. K. Irial Faidh (reigned 10 years).
52. K. Eithriall (reigned 20 years).
53. Follain.
54. K. Tighernmas (reigned 50 years).
55. Eanbotha.
56. Smiorguil.
57. K. Fiachadh Labhriane (reigned 24 years).
58. K. Aongus Ollmuchaidh (reigned 21 years).
59. Maoin.
60. K. Rotheachta (reigned 25 years).
61. Dein.
62. K. Siorna Saoghalach (reigned 21 years).
63. Oholla Olchaoin.
64. K. Giallebadh (reigned 9 years).
65. K. Aodhain Glas (reigned 20 years).
66. K. Simeon Breac (reigned 6 years).
67. K. Muireadach Bolgrach (reigned 4 years).
68. K. Fiachadh Tolgrach (reigned 7 years).
69. K. Duach Laidhrach (reigned 10 years).
70. Eochaidh Buaigllcrg.
71. K. Ugaine More the Great (reigned 30 years).
72. K. Cobhthach Coalbreag (reigned 30 years).
73. Meilage.
74. K. Jaran Gleofathaeb (reigned 7 years)
75. K. Coula Cruaidh Cealgach (reigned 4 years).
76. K. Oiliolla Caisfhiachach (reigned 25 years).
77. K. Eochaidh Foltleathan (reigned 11 years).
78. K. Aongus Tuirmheach Teamharch (reigned 30 years)
79. K. Eana Aighneach (reigned 28 years).
80. Labhra Suire.
81. Blathuchta.
82. Easamhuin Eamhua.
83. Roighnein Ruadh.
84. Finlogha.
85. Fian.
86. K. Eodchaidh Feidhlioch (reigned 12 years).
87. Fineamhuas.
88. K. Lughaidh Riadhdearg.
89. K. Criombthan Niadhnar (reigned 16 years).
90. Fearaidhach Fion Feachtnuigh.
91. K. Fiaebadh Fionoluidh (reigned 20 years).
92. K. Tuathal Teachtmar (reigned 50 years).
93. K. Coun Ceadchatbach (reigned 20 years).
94. K. Arb Aonflier (reigned 30 years).
95. K. Cormae Usada (reigned 40 years).
96. K. Caibre Liffeachair (reigned 27 years).
97. K. Fiachadh Sreabthuine (reigned 30 years).
98. K. Muireadhach Tireach (reigned 30 years).
99. K. Eochaidh Moigmeodhin (reigned 7 years).
100. K. Niall of the Nine Hostages.
101. Eogan.
102. K. Murireadhach.
103. Earea.
104. K. Feargus More (A.D. 487).
105. K. Dongard (d. 457).
106. K. Conran (d. 535).
107. K. Aidan (d. 604).
108. K. Eugene IV. (d. 622).
109. K. Donald IV. (d. 650).
110. Dongard.
111. K. Eugene V. (d. 692).
112. Findan.
113. K. Eugene VII (d. A.D. 721), Spondan.
114. K. Effinus (d. A.D. 761), Fergina.
115. K. Achaius (d. A.D. 819), Fergusia.
116. K. Alpin (d. A.D. 834).
117. K. Kenneth II. (d. A.D. 854).
118. K. Constantin II. (d. A.D. 874).
119. K. Donald VI. (d. A.D. 903).
120. K. Malcolm I. (d. A.D. 958).
121. K. Kenneth III. (d. A.D. 994).
122. K. Malcolm II. (d. A.D. 1033).
123. Beatrix m. Thane Albanach.
124. K. Duncan I. (d. A.D. 1040).
125. K. Malcolm III. Canmore (A.D. 1055-1093), Margaret of England.
126. K. David I. (d. A.D. 1153), Maud of Northumberland.
127. Prince Henry (d. A.D. 1152), Adama of Surrey.
128. Earl David (d. A.D. 1219), Maud of Chester.
129. Isobel m. Robert Bruce III.
130. Robert Bruce IV. m. Isobel of Gloucester.
131. Robert Bruce V. m. Martha of Carriok.
132. K. Robert I. Bruce (A.D. 1306-1329), Mary of Burke.
133. Margary Bruce m. Walter Stewart III.
134. K. Robert II (d. A.D. 1390), Euphemia of Ross (d. A.D. 1376).
135. K. Robert Ill. (d. A.D. 1406), Arabella Drummond (d. A.D. 1401)
136. K. James I (A.D. 1424-1437), Joan Beaufort.
137. K. James II. (d. A.D. 1460), Margaret of Gueldres (d. A.D. 1463).
188. K. James III. (d. A.D. 1488), Margaret of Denmark (d. A.D. 1484).
139. K. James IV. (d. A.D. 1543), Margaret of England (d. A.D. 1539).
140. K. James V. (d. A.D. 1542), Mary of Lorraine (d. A.D. 1560).
141. Q. Mary (d. A.D. 1587), Lord Henry Darnley.
142. K. James VI. and I. (A.D. 1603-1625), Ann of Denmark.
143. Princess Elizabeth (1596-1613), K. Frederick of Bohemia.
144. Princess Sophia m. Duke Ernest of Brunswick.
145. K. George I. (1698-1727), Sophia Dorothea Zelle (1667- 1726).
146. K. George II. (1727-1760), Princess Caroline of Auspach (1683-1737).
147. Prince Frederick of Wales (1707-1751), Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha.
148. K. George III. (1760-1820), Princess Sophia of Mecklenburgh Strelitz (1744-1818).
149. Duke Edward of Kent (1767-1820), Princess Victoria of Leiningen.
160. Q. Victoria (b. 1819, cr. 1838), Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg.
WE issue this Leaflet to serve the grand and valuable object of supplying a necessary link in proving the Identity of the British Nation with the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. This we have abundantly proved in the Pamphlet, entitled "Forty-Seven Identifications of the British with Lost Israel," price 6d., to be had of Messrs. S. W. Partridge & Co., and Mr. W. H.. Guest, both of Paternoster Row. But we could not be identical with Israel unless Queen Victoria was in a line with David, it being written - "Ought ye not to know that the Lord God of Israel gave the Kingdom OVER ISRAEL to David FOR EVER; to him, and to his sons, by a covenant of salt?" (2 Chron. 13:5; 21:7). We have always been able to trace David's seed to Queen Tephi, of Ireland, who was the daughter of Zedekiah : but the difficulty has been to supply a chart of the line from Queen Tephi to King Fergus, of Scotland. This we now supply, through the valuable research of the Rev. A. B. GRIMALDI, M.A., and is in itself a matter vital to the very best interests of the British Empire.
Price 2s. per 100; 16s. per 1,000.
London: ROBERT BANKS, Racquet-ct., Fleet-st., E.C.; S. W. PARTRIDGE, 9, Paternoster-row; EDWARD HINE, 6, Oxford-terrace, Ealing, Middlesex.
(This was largely reprinted in J.H. Allen, "Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright", 1902. Due to the difficulty of reading and scanning the original Grimaldi document, there are inevitable typographical errors here.)
© 2005 Origins of Nations Research Project or original author
Joseph stands before you!
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
Joseph Isn't Jewish!
Origins of Nations
German-American Israelites?
The Plain Truth About the "Lost Ten Tribes" and Why You Need to Know!
Brit Am Israel
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
Friday, November 24, 2006
Holy Jerusalem and the Temple of God
Speaking of some of the saints who were temporarily restored to physical life to testify about Yeshua's resurrection, after jealous Jewish leaders delivered Him to the bloody Romans to murder, we find, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit:
Matthew 27:53
...and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into THE HOLY CITY and appeared to many.
Paul, speaking of the imminent Third Temple, the holy TEMPLE OF GOD (the Temple of God - not just of the Jews or any other conspiracy theory that contradicts Scripture), that Europe's wannabe divine emperor will pollute, coveting it since Satan knows (even if some religious folks don't) it is the TEMPLE OF GOD:
2 Thessalonians 2:4
...who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the TEMPLE OF GOD, showing himself that he is God.
Speaking of the imminent Third Temple and EU occupation of Jerusalem (whose days are numbered when they trespass upon the Temple Mount), and simultaneous ministry of the Two Witnesses, the apostle John was inspired by the Holy Spirit to foretell:
Revelation 11:1-3
1 Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the TEMPLE OF GOD [not merely of the Jews or of the masons or illuminati or whoever], the altar, and those who worship there. 2 But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread THE HOLY CITY underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.
Speaking of the imminent clash between Catholic Europe and Islam with Jerusalem's holy Temple Mount caught in the middle:
Daniel 11:40-45
At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through. 41 He shall also enter the Glorious Land, and many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall escape from his hand: Edom, Moab, and the prominent people of Ammon. 42 He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape. 43 He shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels. 44 But news from the east and the north shall trouble him; therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many. 45 And he shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him.
Jerusalem is holy in the biblical sense it has been called to fulfill its awesome calling to become the City of our God, the City of the Great King. It has been sanctified, set apart for a holy purpose that it will soon fulfill. It is holy, even though it is a sinful city, just like Israel and Judah are holy, set apart, sanctified, and need to learn to live holy lives.
The New Jerusalem doesn't come down from Heaven until after the initial thousand year reign of Christ who will subdue all opposition and destroy all enemies, including death and Satan when the Earth is purified by fire. Then the Father comes with New Jerusalem - the Sabbath-keepingChurch of God is a type of it.
Meanwhile, we pray for Judah and intercede for Jerusalem:
Isaiah 62:1-2
1 For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace,
And for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest,
Until her righteousness goes forth as brightness,
And her salvation as a lamp that burns.
2 The Gentiles shall see your righteousness,
And all kings your glory.
You shall be called by a new name,
Which the mouth of the LORD will name.
Isaiah 62:6-7
6 I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem;
They shall never hold their peace day or night.
You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent,
7 And give Him no rest till He establishes
And till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.
These watchmen are the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 -- Two Witnesses who will testify in Jerusalem against Europe. They will announce to the cities of Judah and comfort captive Israel (all Twelve Tribes) that our God will come and save us.
Isaiah 35:4
4 Say to those who are fearful-hearted,
"Be strong, do not fear!
Behold, your God will come with vengeance,
With the recompense of God;
He will come and save you."
Isaiah 25:9
9 And it will be said in that day:
"Behold, this is our God;
We have waited for Him, and He will save us.
This is the LORD;
We have waited for Him;
We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation."
David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.
Matthew 27:53
...and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into THE HOLY CITY and appeared to many.
Paul, speaking of the imminent Third Temple, the holy TEMPLE OF GOD (the Temple of God - not just of the Jews or any other conspiracy theory that contradicts Scripture), that Europe's wannabe divine emperor will pollute, coveting it since Satan knows (even if some religious folks don't) it is the TEMPLE OF GOD:
2 Thessalonians 2:4
...who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the TEMPLE OF GOD, showing himself that he is God.
Speaking of the imminent Third Temple and EU occupation of Jerusalem (whose days are numbered when they trespass upon the Temple Mount), and simultaneous ministry of the Two Witnesses, the apostle John was inspired by the Holy Spirit to foretell:
Revelation 11:1-3
1 Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the TEMPLE OF GOD [not merely of the Jews or of the masons or illuminati or whoever], the altar, and those who worship there. 2 But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread THE HOLY CITY underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.
Speaking of the imminent clash between Catholic Europe and Islam with Jerusalem's holy Temple Mount caught in the middle:
Daniel 11:40-45
At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through. 41 He shall also enter the Glorious Land, and many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall escape from his hand: Edom, Moab, and the prominent people of Ammon. 42 He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape. 43 He shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels. 44 But news from the east and the north shall trouble him; therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many. 45 And he shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him.
Jerusalem is holy in the biblical sense it has been called to fulfill its awesome calling to become the City of our God, the City of the Great King. It has been sanctified, set apart for a holy purpose that it will soon fulfill. It is holy, even though it is a sinful city, just like Israel and Judah are holy, set apart, sanctified, and need to learn to live holy lives.
The New Jerusalem doesn't come down from Heaven until after the initial thousand year reign of Christ who will subdue all opposition and destroy all enemies, including death and Satan when the Earth is purified by fire. Then the Father comes with New Jerusalem - the Sabbath-keepingChurch of God is a type of it.
Meanwhile, we pray for Judah and intercede for Jerusalem:
Isaiah 62:1-2
1 For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace,
And for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest,
Until her righteousness goes forth as brightness,
And her salvation as a lamp that burns.
2 The Gentiles shall see your righteousness,
And all kings your glory.
You shall be called by a new name,
Which the mouth of the LORD will name.
Isaiah 62:6-7
6 I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem;
They shall never hold their peace day or night.
You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent,
7 And give Him no rest till He establishes
And till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.
These watchmen are the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 -- Two Witnesses who will testify in Jerusalem against Europe. They will announce to the cities of Judah and comfort captive Israel (all Twelve Tribes) that our God will come and save us.
Isaiah 35:4
4 Say to those who are fearful-hearted,
"Be strong, do not fear!
Behold, your God will come with vengeance,
With the recompense of God;
He will come and save you."
Isaiah 25:9
9 And it will be said in that day:
"Behold, this is our God;
We have waited for Him, and He will save us.
This is the LORD;
We have waited for Him;
We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation."
David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Israel in the Isles
Israel in the Isles
by J. H. Allen
We must keep in mind the fact that the Lord cast Israel afar off to the isles of the sea, and then, through the prophet Isaiah, commanded silence for a certain period, or until the people should have renewed their strength. This same prophet, in the first verse of the forty-ninth chapter, again addresses the people who dwell in the isles as follows:
"LISTEN, O isles, unto me: and hearken, ye people from afar" (Isa. 49:1);
and then makes the declaration:
"Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified." (v. 3)
Israel, as we know, was cast out of her land for idolatry, and Baal-ism was one of her chief idolatries. Before she was cast out she seems to have acquired the habit of attaching the name of the god Baal to places and cities, for on the ancient maps of Palestine we find Baal-meon, Baal-gad, Baal-ath, Baal-shalisha, Baal-Tamar, Baal-peor, Baal-hazor, Baal-zephon, Mt. Baalah, and others.
But surely these people carried that same proclivity with them to the islands, for in Ireland this name of the god Baal is found just as frequently, if not more frequently, a circumstance which shows that this idol was honored and worshipped by her eastern colonists. The Rev. T. R. Howlett furnishes us with the following list of Baal-it-ish names found in Ireland: Baal-y-Bai, Baal-y-gowan, Baal-y-Nahinsh, Baal-y-Castell, Baal-y-Moni, Baal-y-ner, Baal-y-Garai, Baal-y-nah, Baal-y-Con-El, Baal-y-Hy, Baal-y-Hull-Ish, Baal-NahBrach, Baal-Athi, Baal-Dagon.
Regarding the evidence given by these names, Howlett says:
"These certainly are memorials of the Baal worship once prevailing in Ireland. In them we have not only the name of Baal, but its conjunction also with other Hebrew names. How can this be accounted for, except as they were so called by emigrants from Phoenicia and Palestine?"
"One thing that particularly marks the Hebrew origin of these names is their attachment to places but not to persons. The Canaanites and Phoenicians, attached the names of their gods, Baal, Bal, Bel to persons, as Eth-Baal, Itho-bal, Asdru-bal and Han-i-bal. These were family names among the heathen nations surrounding Israel. In like manner, we find among the chosen people the names of their God associated with and forming a part of family and personal names; as "El" and "Jah," in Isra-el, Ishma-el,, Lemu-el, Samu-el, Ezeki-el, El-isha, El-ijah. Baal never found favor among the Hebrews as a personal name, though used freely for localities. They gave it to their towns, but not to their children. Its use in Ireland is proof of the Israelitish origin of the earliest settlers -- philological evidence of racial unity."
But this custom of thus using the name of Baal has long since passed away from the descendents of those who settled in "INNIS PHAIL" -- an Island Wonderful -- and her sister isles. These islands need no longer keep silent, for their people have renewed their strength and thus the isles are yielding up their secrets. Hence, we should not be surprised that the name of Baal is no longer in the mouth of their people. By the mouth of the prophet Hosea, whom the Lord used to declare that he would hedge up the way of Ephraim Israel, so that she could not find her paths, he also says:
"I will take away the names of Baal-im (plural of Baal) out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name," (Hosea 2:17).
But just prior to this saying the Lord has given a prophecy, of which this is but a part, the sequence of that which precedes it, and which reads as follows:
"Behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness [the hitherto uninhabited country], and speak comfortably to her heart [Margin]. And I will give her vineyards from thence [there], and the valley of Achor [sorrow] for a door of hope; and she shall sing as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came out of the land of Egypt. And it shall be at that day, saith the Lord, that thou shalt call me Ishi [my husband]; and shalt call me no more Baali. For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth." (Hosea 2:14-17)
All idolatrous names were taken from the mouth of Israel, not so much because they had reached that God-appointed place where they were to be moved no more, and where the children of wickedness were not to waste them as at the first, but because they had passed out from their former sorrow through the door of hope, which was caused by the fact that their Lord had spoken comforting words to their hearts, and because she could look up in love to him and say, "Ishi -- my husband." The reason for this heart-experienced hope will become clearer as we proceed with the prophetic history of this people, whose centralization of racial life and power is in those islands which are northwest of Palestine.
But in this same forty-ninth chapter of Isaiah, after letting us know that Israel is located in the isles, the prophet foretells some events in the future history of that island nation. Among these predicted events we find the following:
"Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One: In the time of favour [grace] have I heard thee, and in the day of salvation [the Christian era] have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and I will appoint thee, as a people of the covenant, to establish the earth, to cause [thee] to inherit the desolate heritages." (Isa. 49:8)
In this quotation we have, for the sake of clearness, followed in part both the King James and the Isaac Leeser translations. The italicized phrase is from Leeser, and is remarkable for its clearness, especially in its use of the article "a" before people, because Ephraim-Israel, although not all the people, is distinctly a people, of the covenant; and as a people of the covenant she is appointed to establish, people, or cause to be inhabited, the desolate, uninhabited places of the earth. These desolate localities are given to Israel as an inheritance, and she has needed them in fulfilling the destiny of the Birthright Kingdom of Israel -- that of becoming many nations, or a company of nations.
But we must now notice the word covenant, since it is used in the phrase as a people of the covenant. The Hebrew word for covenant is Beriyth, which in Judges 8:33 and 9:4 is used as a proper name, and, for that reason, it is simply transferred into the English text without being translated. It is given there as the name of one of the idols of Israel, namely: Baal-beriyth, and means Baal of (the) covenant. Also the Hebrew words Ben-iysh Yemiyniy are translated "Son of a man of Jemini. Thus Ben means "a son," lysh, "a man," and Yemiyniy, Jemini. The Anglicized form of these words are Ben, ish and jamin, and, taken together, they mean "A man of Benjamin, or a Benjamite."
We have brought you through this group of words to show that ish in Hebrew means a man. Now take the Hebrew word which is translated covenant, which in its original form has no vowel, but which in its Anglicized form retains the vowel i to preserve the y sound, and we have Brith, which joined with ish is Brith-ish, and means "A covenant man." Today the BRITISH people, or men of the covenant, are called Britons, and are dwelling in the British Isles!!!
We are told that the people of Waels call themselves, in ancient Welsh, "Bryth y Brithan," or " Briths of Briton," which means "The Covenanters" of "the land of the Covenant." The first form of this phrase is almost vernacular Hebrew.
It is also unmistakably recorded in British history that the earliest settlers in Wales and southern England were called Simonii. They came by the way of the sea in the year 720 B. C. At this time there was the greatest influx of the Tuatha de Daanan to Ireland, and this synchronizes with the deportation of the Israelites of the commonwealth of Ephraim to Assyria, and the flight of Dan and Simeon from the seaports and coast country of Palestine. That Simonii is the plural of Simeon we need scarcely mention.
But all evidences of the fulfillment of this prophecy are not philological, for Isaiah, still addressing the Israelites who dwell in the islands, predicts the following:
"For thy waste and desolate places, and the land of thy destruction [the destruction of their identity], shall even now be too narrow [pressed, straightened] by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up [the Assyrians] shall be far away."
"The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears: The place is too straight [small, crowded, cramped] for me; give a place to me that I may dwell," (Isa. 49:19-20).
Here are a people called Israel who are living in the isles of the sea. They have lost one company of people, and yet their children say that the place is still too small, cramped and crowded, because there are too many inhabitants for such a small country. Consequently they ask the Mother Country to give them a place also. Or, according to Leeser's translation, they say, "Make room for me to dwell," and the Mother Country must do it, because it is she to whom the Lord has given the desolate heritages of the earth.
Mark this! It is also said of the mother country, or Mother Israel, that she "lost" her first children before other of her children asked for territory in which to dwell.
England is the only country on the face of the earth where these conditions obtain. Her first child was called New England, but she LOST it, and now it -- together with that which, for various reasons, has been annexed -- is called The United States of America.
But, after losing her American colonies, her work of colonizing non-populated portions of the world kept right on; until today through the power of these colonies she holds possession of Prince Edward's Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Vancouver's Island, New Foundland and Canada. All of these are unitedly called the Dominion of Canada, and to these are added the six States of Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, British India, the Fiji Islands and parts of Africa, Egypt and China. So that now the sun never sets on the realm of the United Kingdom.
But we should expect this, and even more, for according to Jer. 31:9-10, the Israel which is located in the Isles is none other than Ephraim, the Abrahamic Birthright People, of whom the Lord says:
"I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first born."
Ephraim, as we have shown, was the second son of Joseph. But when the birthright blessing was given to Joseph in his sons, Ephraim, the younger, was set before Manasseh, the elder. They were to remain together, however, until they grew into a multitude in the midst of the earth. After that they were to separate; then Manasseh was to become a "great" people, or nation, and Ephraim was to become "a multitude, or company of nations."
The people in the British Isles did certainly grow together until they became a multitude of people in the earth, and then they separated. The separated people has become a great nation, and those who were left in the isles have become a multitude of nations. The government of the separated people is democratic, the people in the isles still live, as they ever must, under a monarchy, but the two peoples are, as Joseph's two sons were, brothers; and they even call each other "Brother John" and "Brother Jonathan." There are no other nations on earth who thus brother each other.
The facts recorded above are also in fulfillment of another prophecy given by dying Jacob concerning Joseph, which reads as follows:
"Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well [water], whose branches run over the wall," (Gen. 49:22).
An objector has said: "But I believe the words 'a multitude of nations' means a multitude of different nationalities." If this be the true meaning of these words, then surely England, with her sixteen nations in British India, her Indians and Esquimaux of British America, her Fiji Islanders and New Zealanders, and her subjects of still other nationalities, which are absolutely too numerous to mention -- surely England is a multiplicity of nationalities. Still we do not believe this to be the meaning of the words under discussion, but we do believe that this fact of England's thus ruling so many nationalities, and of America's holding dominion over the Sandwich Isles, Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico and the Philippines is the fulfillment of a promise that Israel shall inherit the lands and labor of the heathen, which is given as follows:
"He brought forth his people with joy, and his chosen with gladness: and gave them the lands of the heathen; and they inherited the labour of the people; that they might observe his statutes, and keep his laws. Praise ye the Lord," (Psa. 105:43-45).
The Bible follows Anglo-Saxon conquests, and some of the people in all these nations both receive and keep the law of God.
We must remember that Ephraim and Manasseh, as the representatives of the house of Joseph, both together received the birthright blessing under the hands of the dying patriarch, and that since they thus jointly hold the birthright blessing, even though Ephraim was set before Manasseh, we may expect that they shall hold many of its blessings in common. Take, for instance, the blessing pronounced upon the land of Joseph, as given by Moses on the day of his death, which is only an enlarged edition of that which was given by Jacob on the day of his death, and which is as follows:
"And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be his land, for the precious things of heaven [rain], for the dew, and for the deep[ocean] that croucheth beneath [his vessels], and for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and the precious things put forth from moon to moon, and through the chief [best] things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the everlasting hills, and the precious things of the earth and the fullness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let this blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren."
"His glory is like the firstling [firstborn] of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of an unicorn [the unicorn is in the national seal of England] with them he [Joseph] shall push the people together to the ends of the earth; and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh," (Deut. 33:13-17).
This promise of wealth on land and sea, of abundant harvests, of rare gems and precious stones, of the richest and the greatest mining interests in the world, is fulfilled in England and America. It is also true that these nations, not only push the aborigines of their possessions into the ends, or corners, of their countries, but they also push the people of other nations with whom they war into corners. Concerning America and her aborigines, we need only say, "Lo, the poor Indian," and ask, Where is he? And then ask the same question concerning the aborigines of the countries which fall into the hands of England. Just here the alien testimony of the Russian Vernadsky is pertinent. He says,
"Britain is a spider whose web encompasses the whole world within her own dominions. She has all the resources of all the continents. Her empire is stronger and vaster than any coalition of other states. She is a standing menace to all other powers, and her increasing strength is destructive to the balance of power. Nevertheless, unsatisfied and insatiable, she is grasping for more territory. Yesterday she seized Fiji; the day before she took the Diamond fields; today she annexed Transvaal, and tomorrow she will clutch Egypt. It is only too clear that the power of Britain is too great to be compatible with the general safety, and that the aggressive empire, unless speedily checked, will establish a universal dominion over all the people of the earth."
Our reply to this expressed fear concerning Britain is "universal dominion," is that England alone will not gain this, but that England and America will yet form an alliance and that then they shall push the people to the ends of the earth, for it is foretold that they, Ephraim and Manasseh, "together" shall do this, and also that,
"Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the whole WORLD with fruit," (Isa. 27:6).
The fulfillment of these promised blessings, which were pronounced upon the land of Joseph, by the people in the isles and their "separated" brother, is the cause of the fulfillment of another prophecy given by Isaiah concerning this same people, which is as follows:
"Be still, ye inhabitants of the isle; thou whom the merchants of Zidon [Palestinean seaport], that pass over the sea have replenished. And by great waters [same place as in Ezekiel's riddle] the seed of Sihor, the harvest of the river is her revenue; and she is the mart of nations," (Isa. 23:2-3)
The Sihor is a river in Egypt. Israel dwelt in Egypt for four hundred and thirty years, hence they were formerly from Egypt, latterly from Palestine, now in the isles of the Great Waters!!! Moreover, the birthright holders were born Egyptians. Thus the Lord says, "When Israel was a child, then I loved him and called my son out of Egypt" (Hosea 11:1). It is for these reasons that, in the Bible, the Ephraim Israelites are in two places called Egyptians.
This fact of calling Israel out of Egypt is doubly true in the case of Israel; first in the fact that when Israel was a child (a young nation), the Lord called her out of Egypt; second in the fact that the Lord's son, Ephraim his first born was called out of Egypt. This was also true again, after the flight of Joseph and Mary into Egypt with the babe under the protection of an angel, for it is again written, "Out of Egypt have I called my son." (Matt. 2:15)
But there is another prophecy in Isaiah which has been most wonderfully fulfilled in the history of Ephraim and his brother Manasseh, i.e., England and America, the long lost house of Joseph. It is the following:
"The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel. And all the people shall know, even Ephraim, and the inhabitants of Samaria," (Isa. 9:8-9).
Here we have the names of Samaria-Ephraim-Israel, the birthright kingdom, used prophetically. In connection with these names is the fact that the Lord sent a word to Jacob, and that it lighted not upon Judah, but upon Israel, and that all the people of Ephraim "shall know" this.
Hear this!
"Ye chosen seed of Israel's race –
Ye ransomed from the fall!"
Again we say, hear this!
"In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us full of grace and truth. He came to his own [Judah] and his own [the Jews] received him not." (John 1:1-4,11,14)
So he said to his disciples, "Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matt. 10:6). Christ, the Divine WORD was "SENT" "into Jacob," bringing life, light, grace, and truth, but Judah rejected the word sent from God, so it lighted upon Israel. Thus, the Apostle Paul, who was brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, and who was raised a Pharisee of the strictest sort, understood himself perfectly, when he said,
"Israel [as a whole] hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election [Ephraim-Israel] hath obtained it, and the rest [Jewish-Israel] were blinded" (Rom. 11:7).
"as concerning the gospel are enemies; but as touching the election [racial] are beloved for the fathers' sakes." (v. 28).
"blindness in part [or blindness to a part] is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in." (v. 25)
But of that part of the elect race which is appointed to be the recipients of the word which God sent. Paul says, "There is a remnant according to the election of grace," (Rom. 11:5) and it is the people who belong to the election of grace, that follow the colonies of that elect race, and plant the standard of the gospel of the grace of the Son of God among the nations of the earth. Thus the Messianic promise, which the Lord made to Abraham, that in his seed all the nations of the earth should be blessed, has received a double fulfillment, in that those who carry the message of the One Seed, are also the seed of Abraham. This is true either nationally or spiritually, for all who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ, are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. And it is also true that the Anglo-Saxons are pre-eminently the evangelists of the world.
Joseph stands before you!
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
Joseph Isn't Jewish!
Origin of Nations
German-American Israelites?
The Plain Truth About the "Lost Ten Tribes" and Why You Need to Know!
Brit Am Israel
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
by J. H. Allen
We must keep in mind the fact that the Lord cast Israel afar off to the isles of the sea, and then, through the prophet Isaiah, commanded silence for a certain period, or until the people should have renewed their strength. This same prophet, in the first verse of the forty-ninth chapter, again addresses the people who dwell in the isles as follows:
"LISTEN, O isles, unto me: and hearken, ye people from afar" (Isa. 49:1);
and then makes the declaration:
"Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified." (v. 3)
Israel, as we know, was cast out of her land for idolatry, and Baal-ism was one of her chief idolatries. Before she was cast out she seems to have acquired the habit of attaching the name of the god Baal to places and cities, for on the ancient maps of Palestine we find Baal-meon, Baal-gad, Baal-ath, Baal-shalisha, Baal-Tamar, Baal-peor, Baal-hazor, Baal-zephon, Mt. Baalah, and others.
But surely these people carried that same proclivity with them to the islands, for in Ireland this name of the god Baal is found just as frequently, if not more frequently, a circumstance which shows that this idol was honored and worshipped by her eastern colonists. The Rev. T. R. Howlett furnishes us with the following list of Baal-it-ish names found in Ireland: Baal-y-Bai, Baal-y-gowan, Baal-y-Nahinsh, Baal-y-Castell, Baal-y-Moni, Baal-y-ner, Baal-y-Garai, Baal-y-nah, Baal-y-Con-El, Baal-y-Hy, Baal-y-Hull-Ish, Baal-NahBrach, Baal-Athi, Baal-Dagon.
Regarding the evidence given by these names, Howlett says:
"These certainly are memorials of the Baal worship once prevailing in Ireland. In them we have not only the name of Baal, but its conjunction also with other Hebrew names. How can this be accounted for, except as they were so called by emigrants from Phoenicia and Palestine?"
"One thing that particularly marks the Hebrew origin of these names is their attachment to places but not to persons. The Canaanites and Phoenicians, attached the names of their gods, Baal, Bal, Bel to persons, as Eth-Baal, Itho-bal, Asdru-bal and Han-i-bal. These were family names among the heathen nations surrounding Israel. In like manner, we find among the chosen people the names of their God associated with and forming a part of family and personal names; as "El" and "Jah," in Isra-el, Ishma-el,, Lemu-el, Samu-el, Ezeki-el, El-isha, El-ijah. Baal never found favor among the Hebrews as a personal name, though used freely for localities. They gave it to their towns, but not to their children. Its use in Ireland is proof of the Israelitish origin of the earliest settlers -- philological evidence of racial unity."
But this custom of thus using the name of Baal has long since passed away from the descendents of those who settled in "INNIS PHAIL" -- an Island Wonderful -- and her sister isles. These islands need no longer keep silent, for their people have renewed their strength and thus the isles are yielding up their secrets. Hence, we should not be surprised that the name of Baal is no longer in the mouth of their people. By the mouth of the prophet Hosea, whom the Lord used to declare that he would hedge up the way of Ephraim Israel, so that she could not find her paths, he also says:
"I will take away the names of Baal-im (plural of Baal) out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name," (Hosea 2:17).
But just prior to this saying the Lord has given a prophecy, of which this is but a part, the sequence of that which precedes it, and which reads as follows:
"Behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness [the hitherto uninhabited country], and speak comfortably to her heart [Margin]. And I will give her vineyards from thence [there], and the valley of Achor [sorrow] for a door of hope; and she shall sing as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came out of the land of Egypt. And it shall be at that day, saith the Lord, that thou shalt call me Ishi [my husband]; and shalt call me no more Baali. For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth." (Hosea 2:14-17)
All idolatrous names were taken from the mouth of Israel, not so much because they had reached that God-appointed place where they were to be moved no more, and where the children of wickedness were not to waste them as at the first, but because they had passed out from their former sorrow through the door of hope, which was caused by the fact that their Lord had spoken comforting words to their hearts, and because she could look up in love to him and say, "Ishi -- my husband." The reason for this heart-experienced hope will become clearer as we proceed with the prophetic history of this people, whose centralization of racial life and power is in those islands which are northwest of Palestine.
But in this same forty-ninth chapter of Isaiah, after letting us know that Israel is located in the isles, the prophet foretells some events in the future history of that island nation. Among these predicted events we find the following:
"Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One: In the time of favour [grace] have I heard thee, and in the day of salvation [the Christian era] have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and I will appoint thee, as a people of the covenant, to establish the earth, to cause [thee] to inherit the desolate heritages." (Isa. 49:8)
In this quotation we have, for the sake of clearness, followed in part both the King James and the Isaac Leeser translations. The italicized phrase is from Leeser, and is remarkable for its clearness, especially in its use of the article "a" before people, because Ephraim-Israel, although not all the people, is distinctly a people, of the covenant; and as a people of the covenant she is appointed to establish, people, or cause to be inhabited, the desolate, uninhabited places of the earth. These desolate localities are given to Israel as an inheritance, and she has needed them in fulfilling the destiny of the Birthright Kingdom of Israel -- that of becoming many nations, or a company of nations.
But we must now notice the word covenant, since it is used in the phrase as a people of the covenant. The Hebrew word for covenant is Beriyth, which in Judges 8:33 and 9:4 is used as a proper name, and, for that reason, it is simply transferred into the English text without being translated. It is given there as the name of one of the idols of Israel, namely: Baal-beriyth, and means Baal of (the) covenant. Also the Hebrew words Ben-iysh Yemiyniy are translated "Son of a man of Jemini. Thus Ben means "a son," lysh, "a man," and Yemiyniy, Jemini. The Anglicized form of these words are Ben, ish and jamin, and, taken together, they mean "A man of Benjamin, or a Benjamite."
We have brought you through this group of words to show that ish in Hebrew means a man. Now take the Hebrew word which is translated covenant, which in its original form has no vowel, but which in its Anglicized form retains the vowel i to preserve the y sound, and we have Brith, which joined with ish is Brith-ish, and means "A covenant man." Today the BRITISH people, or men of the covenant, are called Britons, and are dwelling in the British Isles!!!
We are told that the people of Waels call themselves, in ancient Welsh, "Bryth y Brithan," or " Briths of Briton," which means "The Covenanters" of "the land of the Covenant." The first form of this phrase is almost vernacular Hebrew.
It is also unmistakably recorded in British history that the earliest settlers in Wales and southern England were called Simonii. They came by the way of the sea in the year 720 B. C. At this time there was the greatest influx of the Tuatha de Daanan to Ireland, and this synchronizes with the deportation of the Israelites of the commonwealth of Ephraim to Assyria, and the flight of Dan and Simeon from the seaports and coast country of Palestine. That Simonii is the plural of Simeon we need scarcely mention.
But all evidences of the fulfillment of this prophecy are not philological, for Isaiah, still addressing the Israelites who dwell in the islands, predicts the following:
"For thy waste and desolate places, and the land of thy destruction [the destruction of their identity], shall even now be too narrow [pressed, straightened] by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up [the Assyrians] shall be far away."
"The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears: The place is too straight [small, crowded, cramped] for me; give a place to me that I may dwell," (Isa. 49:19-20).
Here are a people called Israel who are living in the isles of the sea. They have lost one company of people, and yet their children say that the place is still too small, cramped and crowded, because there are too many inhabitants for such a small country. Consequently they ask the Mother Country to give them a place also. Or, according to Leeser's translation, they say, "Make room for me to dwell," and the Mother Country must do it, because it is she to whom the Lord has given the desolate heritages of the earth.
Mark this! It is also said of the mother country, or Mother Israel, that she "lost" her first children before other of her children asked for territory in which to dwell.
England is the only country on the face of the earth where these conditions obtain. Her first child was called New England, but she LOST it, and now it -- together with that which, for various reasons, has been annexed -- is called The United States of America.
But, after losing her American colonies, her work of colonizing non-populated portions of the world kept right on; until today through the power of these colonies she holds possession of Prince Edward's Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Vancouver's Island, New Foundland and Canada. All of these are unitedly called the Dominion of Canada, and to these are added the six States of Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, British India, the Fiji Islands and parts of Africa, Egypt and China. So that now the sun never sets on the realm of the United Kingdom.
But we should expect this, and even more, for according to Jer. 31:9-10, the Israel which is located in the Isles is none other than Ephraim, the Abrahamic Birthright People, of whom the Lord says:
"I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first born."
Ephraim, as we have shown, was the second son of Joseph. But when the birthright blessing was given to Joseph in his sons, Ephraim, the younger, was set before Manasseh, the elder. They were to remain together, however, until they grew into a multitude in the midst of the earth. After that they were to separate; then Manasseh was to become a "great" people, or nation, and Ephraim was to become "a multitude, or company of nations."
The people in the British Isles did certainly grow together until they became a multitude of people in the earth, and then they separated. The separated people has become a great nation, and those who were left in the isles have become a multitude of nations. The government of the separated people is democratic, the people in the isles still live, as they ever must, under a monarchy, but the two peoples are, as Joseph's two sons were, brothers; and they even call each other "Brother John" and "Brother Jonathan." There are no other nations on earth who thus brother each other.
The facts recorded above are also in fulfillment of another prophecy given by dying Jacob concerning Joseph, which reads as follows:
"Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well [water], whose branches run over the wall," (Gen. 49:22).
An objector has said: "But I believe the words 'a multitude of nations' means a multitude of different nationalities." If this be the true meaning of these words, then surely England, with her sixteen nations in British India, her Indians and Esquimaux of British America, her Fiji Islanders and New Zealanders, and her subjects of still other nationalities, which are absolutely too numerous to mention -- surely England is a multiplicity of nationalities. Still we do not believe this to be the meaning of the words under discussion, but we do believe that this fact of England's thus ruling so many nationalities, and of America's holding dominion over the Sandwich Isles, Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico and the Philippines is the fulfillment of a promise that Israel shall inherit the lands and labor of the heathen, which is given as follows:
"He brought forth his people with joy, and his chosen with gladness: and gave them the lands of the heathen; and they inherited the labour of the people; that they might observe his statutes, and keep his laws. Praise ye the Lord," (Psa. 105:43-45).
The Bible follows Anglo-Saxon conquests, and some of the people in all these nations both receive and keep the law of God.
We must remember that Ephraim and Manasseh, as the representatives of the house of Joseph, both together received the birthright blessing under the hands of the dying patriarch, and that since they thus jointly hold the birthright blessing, even though Ephraim was set before Manasseh, we may expect that they shall hold many of its blessings in common. Take, for instance, the blessing pronounced upon the land of Joseph, as given by Moses on the day of his death, which is only an enlarged edition of that which was given by Jacob on the day of his death, and which is as follows:
"And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be his land, for the precious things of heaven [rain], for the dew, and for the deep[ocean] that croucheth beneath [his vessels], and for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and the precious things put forth from moon to moon, and through the chief [best] things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the everlasting hills, and the precious things of the earth and the fullness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let this blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren."
"His glory is like the firstling [firstborn] of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of an unicorn [the unicorn is in the national seal of England] with them he [Joseph] shall push the people together to the ends of the earth; and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh," (Deut. 33:13-17).
This promise of wealth on land and sea, of abundant harvests, of rare gems and precious stones, of the richest and the greatest mining interests in the world, is fulfilled in England and America. It is also true that these nations, not only push the aborigines of their possessions into the ends, or corners, of their countries, but they also push the people of other nations with whom they war into corners. Concerning America and her aborigines, we need only say, "Lo, the poor Indian," and ask, Where is he? And then ask the same question concerning the aborigines of the countries which fall into the hands of England. Just here the alien testimony of the Russian Vernadsky is pertinent. He says,
"Britain is a spider whose web encompasses the whole world within her own dominions. She has all the resources of all the continents. Her empire is stronger and vaster than any coalition of other states. She is a standing menace to all other powers, and her increasing strength is destructive to the balance of power. Nevertheless, unsatisfied and insatiable, she is grasping for more territory. Yesterday she seized Fiji; the day before she took the Diamond fields; today she annexed Transvaal, and tomorrow she will clutch Egypt. It is only too clear that the power of Britain is too great to be compatible with the general safety, and that the aggressive empire, unless speedily checked, will establish a universal dominion over all the people of the earth."
Our reply to this expressed fear concerning Britain is "universal dominion," is that England alone will not gain this, but that England and America will yet form an alliance and that then they shall push the people to the ends of the earth, for it is foretold that they, Ephraim and Manasseh, "together" shall do this, and also that,
"Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the whole WORLD with fruit," (Isa. 27:6).
The fulfillment of these promised blessings, which were pronounced upon the land of Joseph, by the people in the isles and their "separated" brother, is the cause of the fulfillment of another prophecy given by Isaiah concerning this same people, which is as follows:
"Be still, ye inhabitants of the isle; thou whom the merchants of Zidon [Palestinean seaport], that pass over the sea have replenished. And by great waters [same place as in Ezekiel's riddle] the seed of Sihor, the harvest of the river is her revenue; and she is the mart of nations," (Isa. 23:2-3)
The Sihor is a river in Egypt. Israel dwelt in Egypt for four hundred and thirty years, hence they were formerly from Egypt, latterly from Palestine, now in the isles of the Great Waters!!! Moreover, the birthright holders were born Egyptians. Thus the Lord says, "When Israel was a child, then I loved him and called my son out of Egypt" (Hosea 11:1). It is for these reasons that, in the Bible, the Ephraim Israelites are in two places called Egyptians.
This fact of calling Israel out of Egypt is doubly true in the case of Israel; first in the fact that when Israel was a child (a young nation), the Lord called her out of Egypt; second in the fact that the Lord's son, Ephraim his first born was called out of Egypt. This was also true again, after the flight of Joseph and Mary into Egypt with the babe under the protection of an angel, for it is again written, "Out of Egypt have I called my son." (Matt. 2:15)
But there is another prophecy in Isaiah which has been most wonderfully fulfilled in the history of Ephraim and his brother Manasseh, i.e., England and America, the long lost house of Joseph. It is the following:
"The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel. And all the people shall know, even Ephraim, and the inhabitants of Samaria," (Isa. 9:8-9).
Here we have the names of Samaria-Ephraim-Israel, the birthright kingdom, used prophetically. In connection with these names is the fact that the Lord sent a word to Jacob, and that it lighted not upon Judah, but upon Israel, and that all the people of Ephraim "shall know" this.
Hear this!
"Ye chosen seed of Israel's race –
Ye ransomed from the fall!"
Again we say, hear this!
"In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us full of grace and truth. He came to his own [Judah] and his own [the Jews] received him not." (John 1:1-4,11,14)
So he said to his disciples, "Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matt. 10:6). Christ, the Divine WORD was "SENT" "into Jacob," bringing life, light, grace, and truth, but Judah rejected the word sent from God, so it lighted upon Israel. Thus, the Apostle Paul, who was brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, and who was raised a Pharisee of the strictest sort, understood himself perfectly, when he said,
"Israel [as a whole] hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election [Ephraim-Israel] hath obtained it, and the rest [Jewish-Israel] were blinded" (Rom. 11:7).
"as concerning the gospel are enemies; but as touching the election [racial] are beloved for the fathers' sakes." (v. 28).
"blindness in part [or blindness to a part] is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in." (v. 25)
But of that part of the elect race which is appointed to be the recipients of the word which God sent. Paul says, "There is a remnant according to the election of grace," (Rom. 11:5) and it is the people who belong to the election of grace, that follow the colonies of that elect race, and plant the standard of the gospel of the grace of the Son of God among the nations of the earth. Thus the Messianic promise, which the Lord made to Abraham, that in his seed all the nations of the earth should be blessed, has received a double fulfillment, in that those who carry the message of the One Seed, are also the seed of Abraham. This is true either nationally or spiritually, for all who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ, are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. And it is also true that the Anglo-Saxons are pre-eminently the evangelists of the world.
Joseph stands before you!
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
Joseph Isn't Jewish!
Origin of Nations
German-American Israelites?
The Plain Truth About the "Lost Ten Tribes" and Why You Need to Know!
Brit Am Israel
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
"Lakota" speaks with a forked tongue
Exchange with "Lakota" on the History Channel Forum --
White Christian racists imposed their religion on us during the 1800s and early twentieth century.
I'm sure they would appear "racist" to some who would hypocritically make mention of their skin color, realists to others not so prejudiced. Regardless of real or imagined racism, such folks must have been taking a chapter from the brown pagan "Native Americans" (Asian immigrants) who routinely butchered each other, pillaged villages and raped women, kidnapped children and raised them according to their own tribal beliefs.
This practice seems to afflict every race and religion to the honest and objective observer. It is not exclusive to some British or Euro-Israelites. Atrocities occurred on both sides. I grieve at the thought of that, and felt a spirit of heaviness, a great sadness, upon me near Wounded Knee several years ago and I prayed for healing and reconciliation as much as possible, good and honest before God who knows all, who had King David (my forefather) right some wrongs Saul had done against their "Natives."
Ideally, all would come to see that various idolatrous traditions and beliefs are man made at best, demonic at worst (remember your "Ghost Dance" was a dangerous religious lie that resulted in many deaths - Wovoka a false prophet the people fell for), both among pagans and professing Christians, and grow and mature beyond them, rejecting tradition for truth.
Jeremiah 16:19
O LORD, my strength and my fortress, My refuge in the day of affliction, The Gentiles shall come to You From the ends of the earth and say, "Surely our fathers have inherited lies, Worthlessness and unprofitable things."
Our message...told us how we should live our lives, taught us our ways. This is our belief.
If you truly believe your message (not that you speak for all the various tribes with their warring ideas and different ways), I trust you're living on a reservation to preserve it rather than in the "white man's world" and culture, yes?
If it's not necessary to live on a reservation to practice your particular tribal religion, then why have a reservation? Kind of like me reminding the Jews that they're supposed to follow Judaism to Israel.
Do not despise the word of the Creator as given to us.
You don't actually believe that Creator only spoke to a handful of people in the Middle East do you?
Yes, because that's what the Bible teaches, so why don't you practice what you preach and not despise the Word of the Lord, our Great Creator God, given to Israel to share with the world? God has a plan of salvation for all mankind but has chosen the Jews and Israelites as His Firstborn of many nations. The Bible is an ethnocentric book with great meaning and purpose once understood and rebukes those who would minimize the importance of Israel in that plan or seek to substitute or replace them with any
replacement theology.
Amos 3:2
You [Israel] only have I known of all the families of the earth...
Psalms 147:19-20
"He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD."
"To whom much is given, much is required" which is why the British-Israelites and Jews are held to a higher standard and are bringing divine judgment on our professing Christian nations and the Jewish homeland for our idolatry and immorality borrowed from the Gentile nations.
Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?
If you've read any of my articles, you would see that I sincerely offer both scathing condemnation of practices (both the Bible and history expose as pagan) among professing Christians, as well as constructive criticism, tough love, for the British-Israelite and Jewish peoples, believing the biblical blessings or curses, life or death options given us.
Isaiah 58
1 “Cry aloud, spare not;
Lift up your voice like a trumpet;
Tell My people their transgression,
And the house of Jacob their sins.
There are things we can learn from each other, the brown "Native Americans" and the white "Native Americans" (I was born here), but whether it's politically correct or not this country was given by our Great Creator God to the descendants of Joseph, primarily, as prophesied and fulfilled before our eyes.
Joseph needs to remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and set an example for the world to follow even if others will continue to find fault and engage in destructive criticism.
You mention the conflict in the Middle East, of which I am very much aware. However, my people are here, my ancestors from England, Ireland, Scotland and Germany settled in and around Ohio for the most part. Some people have come before us and other folks have come later. Regardless, we're all here now.
John Mervin: Risingsun, Ohio Pioneer
German-American Israelites?
David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.
White Christian racists imposed their religion on us during the 1800s and early twentieth century.
I'm sure they would appear "racist" to some who would hypocritically make mention of their skin color, realists to others not so prejudiced. Regardless of real or imagined racism, such folks must have been taking a chapter from the brown pagan "Native Americans" (Asian immigrants) who routinely butchered each other, pillaged villages and raped women, kidnapped children and raised them according to their own tribal beliefs.
This practice seems to afflict every race and religion to the honest and objective observer. It is not exclusive to some British or Euro-Israelites. Atrocities occurred on both sides. I grieve at the thought of that, and felt a spirit of heaviness, a great sadness, upon me near Wounded Knee several years ago and I prayed for healing and reconciliation as much as possible, good and honest before God who knows all, who had King David (my forefather) right some wrongs Saul had done against their "Natives."
Ideally, all would come to see that various idolatrous traditions and beliefs are man made at best, demonic at worst (remember your "Ghost Dance" was a dangerous religious lie that resulted in many deaths - Wovoka a false prophet the people fell for), both among pagans and professing Christians, and grow and mature beyond them, rejecting tradition for truth.
Jeremiah 16:19
O LORD, my strength and my fortress, My refuge in the day of affliction, The Gentiles shall come to You From the ends of the earth and say, "Surely our fathers have inherited lies, Worthlessness and unprofitable things."
Our message...told us how we should live our lives, taught us our ways. This is our belief.
If you truly believe your message (not that you speak for all the various tribes with their warring ideas and different ways), I trust you're living on a reservation to preserve it rather than in the "white man's world" and culture, yes?
If it's not necessary to live on a reservation to practice your particular tribal religion, then why have a reservation? Kind of like me reminding the Jews that they're supposed to follow Judaism to Israel.
Do not despise the word of the Creator as given to us.
You don't actually believe that Creator only spoke to a handful of people in the Middle East do you?
Yes, because that's what the Bible teaches, so why don't you practice what you preach and not despise the Word of the Lord, our Great Creator God, given to Israel to share with the world? God has a plan of salvation for all mankind but has chosen the Jews and Israelites as His Firstborn of many nations. The Bible is an ethnocentric book with great meaning and purpose once understood and rebukes those who would minimize the importance of Israel in that plan or seek to substitute or replace them with any
replacement theology.
Amos 3:2
You [Israel] only have I known of all the families of the earth...
Psalms 147:19-20
"He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD."
"To whom much is given, much is required" which is why the British-Israelites and Jews are held to a higher standard and are bringing divine judgment on our professing Christian nations and the Jewish homeland for our idolatry and immorality borrowed from the Gentile nations.
Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?
If you've read any of my articles, you would see that I sincerely offer both scathing condemnation of practices (both the Bible and history expose as pagan) among professing Christians, as well as constructive criticism, tough love, for the British-Israelite and Jewish peoples, believing the biblical blessings or curses, life or death options given us.
Isaiah 58
1 “Cry aloud, spare not;
Lift up your voice like a trumpet;
Tell My people their transgression,
And the house of Jacob their sins.
There are things we can learn from each other, the brown "Native Americans" and the white "Native Americans" (I was born here), but whether it's politically correct or not this country was given by our Great Creator God to the descendants of Joseph, primarily, as prophesied and fulfilled before our eyes.
Joseph needs to remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and set an example for the world to follow even if others will continue to find fault and engage in destructive criticism.
You mention the conflict in the Middle East, of which I am very much aware. However, my people are here, my ancestors from England, Ireland, Scotland and Germany settled in and around Ohio for the most part. Some people have come before us and other folks have come later. Regardless, we're all here now.
John Mervin: Risingsun, Ohio Pioneer
German-American Israelites?
David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.
Identity theft!
Members of a ´Lost Tribe of Israel´ Return to Zion
17:26 Nov 22, '06 / 1 Kislev 5767
by Staff

Tel Aviv's Ben-Gurion Airport was the setting for an emotional homecoming Tuesday morning, when the first planeload of 51 Bnei Menashe immigrants arrived here on an El Al flight from Bombay.
Name: David Ben-Ariel
Hometown: Toledo, Ohio, USA/Menashe
Title: Identity theft!
What a massive fraud. Such obvious INDIAN CONVERTS to Judaism may be "Jews," but they are certainly not Joes - descendants of Menashe ben Yosef. They don't bear a single identifying biblical birthmark of fulfilled prophecy. Such biblical birthmarks for Joes, for Joseph's sons Ephraim and Menashe, are ONLY found among the Anglo-Saxon peoples. When will the Chief Rabbinate and others recognize Joseph rather than fall for such brazen identity theft?
Joseph Isn't Jewish!
Brit Am Israel
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
Origin of Nations
German-American Israelites?
The Plain Truth About the "Lost Ten Tribes" and Why You Need to Know!
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
17:26 Nov 22, '06 / 1 Kislev 5767
by Staff

Tel Aviv's Ben-Gurion Airport was the setting for an emotional homecoming Tuesday morning, when the first planeload of 51 Bnei Menashe immigrants arrived here on an El Al flight from Bombay.
Name: David Ben-Ariel
Hometown: Toledo, Ohio, USA/Menashe
Title: Identity theft!
What a massive fraud. Such obvious INDIAN CONVERTS to Judaism may be "Jews," but they are certainly not Joes - descendants of Menashe ben Yosef. They don't bear a single identifying biblical birthmark of fulfilled prophecy. Such biblical birthmarks for Joes, for Joseph's sons Ephraim and Menashe, are ONLY found among the Anglo-Saxon peoples. When will the Chief Rabbinate and others recognize Joseph rather than fall for such brazen identity theft?
Joseph Isn't Jewish!
Brit Am Israel
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
Origin of Nations
German-American Israelites?
The Plain Truth About the "Lost Ten Tribes" and Why You Need to Know!
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
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